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View Full Version : The greatest blond joke ever

05-09-2003, 12:29 AM
Click Here! (http://www.forrestkyle.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1808#1808)

05-09-2003, 12:46 AM
It was a broken link about 10 forums down. How far did you get it to go? And what is at the end!?

05-09-2003, 01:02 AM
... your blonde right? ;)

05-09-2003, 01:13 AM
Ok now that is meesed up some one has too much free time.

Maverik X
05-09-2003, 01:47 AM
I got it after the first two, but I kept clicking for a while to see where it went.

It's kinda like the one that is a two sided card that says on both sides: How do you keep a blonde occupied? Turn over for answer.

05-09-2003, 02:07 AM
Saw that joke at this place first: http://www.ponju.net/index.php?act=ST&f=23&t=20015

Heh, you were apart of that, too? Or didi the guy just happen to register at another playe you go to?

05-09-2003, 10:30 PM
Hahaha. I would really love to trick some of the computer illiterate blondes out there for real. That would be good. Took me for clicks to figure it out.

05-09-2003, 10:38 PM
Man where is the blond joke??? All I got was new message boards! ;)

Well the joke was spoiled for me before I clicked actually since I read this topic, but I decided to see how long it went on for, and followed it to some Extreme Games site before it stopped.

Just wondering, who started/organized this?

05-10-2003, 12:14 AM
i went to a site where you had to log in to read the thread, so i stopped there.

05-10-2003, 12:19 AM
And in the process youve advertised over 10 boards, including your own :eek:

05-10-2003, 12:24 AM
Can't get past http://forums.ehowa.com/login.php?redirect=viewtopic.php&t=5990&start=0

It won't allow me to either view the thread or register...
I'm very interested in seeing how far back this goes, and what the original page says (other than the obvious "You're an idiot.")

05-10-2003, 12:44 AM
I'd also like to see how far it goes... But that regester page isent workign properly. (I might be to fool a few people with this myself.)

05-12-2003, 08:17 AM
I got it after the first one, but really it has to have an end, what is it? does it finally reach a point that takes you to the obvious "You Are An Idiot..." page?

05-12-2003, 07:54 PM
I've seen an IQ multiple-choice test that worked in the same principle. Of course it was fairly obvious once you recognize a question from before.