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View Full Version : Oh My God!!!

05-08-2003, 07:27 AM
I just acquired an advanced copy of Hail to the Thief, Radiohead's new album...

Basically it takes music to new heights...

It blows all expectations away... I was expecting another Amnesiac (silly me unconciously assuming Radiohead wouldn't evolve) and what I (we) got is another O.K. Computer... An instant classic.. groundbreaking and yet more accessible than Kid A or Amnesiac (although I personally adore those albums).

Considering I have only listened to it a few times, only time will tell if it can achieve immortality and knock even O.K. Computer off its lofty pedestal; it could be one of the best albums ever.. and I encourage anyone who isn't into Radiohead to give them a chance... The Bends album is an easier start then this one... but one can progress throughout their albums...just as Radiohead has progressed...evolve into a love of the current sound... The various genres or "ages" in their bands' history sound both completely different and yet both completely brilliant.

05-08-2003, 01:55 PM
*is Listening to it* Hmmmmm, this is pretty cool, I like radio head, some of thier songs I dont like very much though...like..pyramids or knives out or what ever..the new ones before this album I guess they were. I've only ever heard thier singles though, they definatley have thier own style of music. I have to say I'm really liking this, pretty cool stuff, I' might acctually buy this album

05-08-2003, 08:53 PM
yeah.. buy it its awesome