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View Full Version : My game

05-06-2003, 05:02 AM
I have an idea for a game, but my computer at home has got an virus and cant be used. So... i wonder if there is someone who think i shall make this game when I get my new computer or if I fix my one now.

The story: A guy wakes up i a destroyed city, he knows nothing of his past. An old guy tells him he must seek up the four elements an he must learn how to control them. When he controls them he will know his past an why he was born.

This is a space game so one element is on an other planet.

Well, i dont know if this is a good game idea, if you think it is, please say...

Kirby of Doom
05-06-2003, 03:53 PM
Well, most quests are the basic LoZ not too much of a story kind of thing. Not that LoZ doesn't have a story, but it's not the most most genius story for a video game in the world.

So, you don't really need a story. What you do need is a good space tile set, which you might want to make yourself if you are good at that kind of stuff.

05-07-2003, 03:37 AM
Thats the problem. I am really bad at making tiles...
But I started writing the game in a story instead, so when my computer works again I know what is going to happen.

Right know I kno what to do so I´ll see if I can get a demo by August or Septeber.

I hope that when "THE GAME" is finnished, someone will like it..