View Full Version : A quick question..

05-02-2003, 10:47 PM
I'm sure this has been asked/suggested/wtfever before, but I figured I'd ask for my own benefit & curiousity..

Why doesn't combo cycling work on layers? It seems to me that something like this would have been added in at the same time as combo cycling itself, and it doesn't make sense to me that it wasn't.

05-03-2003, 12:52 AM
it was probably too much for DN to code before he released a public beta

System Error
05-03-2003, 02:44 PM
Well, I hope a new public beta gets released soon. Combos SHOULD work on layers, and so should combo cycling and all that other crap that doesn't work on layers.

05-03-2003, 02:51 PM
i agree...i guess he made it so that combo cycling doesn't work on layers because Combo Properites themselves do not work on layers, but i totally agree that both combo properties & combo cycling should work on layers

System Error
05-03-2003, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by idontknow
i agree...i guess he made it so that combo cycling doesn't work on layers because Combo Properites themselves do not work on layers, but i totally agree that both combo properties & combo cycling should work on layers

Yeah! And I want my toxic gas and acid! :pirate:

05-03-2003, 02:59 PM
1. make floor tiles for the damage and then layer gas over it or
2. draw new tiles that can go on Layer 0 with your gas.

Geez, not a big deal.


System Error
05-03-2003, 03:04 PM

Ahem, please excuse me there, but I don't want that fuckwad Link to go flying back 5 meters everytime he inhales some toxic gas. I mean, who the hell is that perverted? -_-

05-03-2003, 03:25 PM
Oh, my mistake. I didn't realize that when you said "posion gas and acid" you were talking about something completely off-topic. In the future, I will try to remember that your comments relate only to things in the magical place called "your head".


05-03-2003, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by idontknow
i agree...i guess he made it so that combo cycling doesn't work on layers because Combo Properites themselves do not work on layers, but i totally agree that both combo properties & combo cycling should work on layers

Unless I'm mistaken, combos retain their properties on layers 1 & 2. In such, they should cycle on those layers also.

05-03-2003, 08:39 PM
I've told DN about this, however, he gave me the cold shoulder on this one. In fact, C and I both wanted things fixed with combo cycling. C wants the time to line up (me too) and I want to be able to have combo cycling on layers. No one replied to us though.

I've never got a straight answer form anyone as to why its the way that it is. In the next month or so, I'll be constantly asking for this to be fixed in the beta forums, but until then, I can wait.

:king: PrinceMSC:king:

05-03-2003, 08:54 PM
no, combo properties do NOT take affect on layers 1 and 2, teilyr...it makes sense that the should--its their 'walkability' that affects Link only from layers 1 & 2, not the actual combo properties..i do totally agree that combo properties should take affect on layers 1 & 2 and combos should be able to cycle on all layers-i don't see how it would be a problem...it definately would be worthwhile!

05-03-2003, 10:13 PM
Actually, Prince, there IS a good reason why DN or FCF arn't putting my time suggestion into account. The problem is this. I want tile animation to start from the first tile in the sequence when the combo first appears on the screen.

This was how it was when tile animation was first in place, in a way, I believe- the animation reset every time Link walked to a new screen.

The problem is that if we do it this way, tiles that animate between two screens won't line up. Imagine you had a waterfall that spanned two screens and Link crosses between the screens. If the tile animation on the newly revealed combos are starting over, then the waterfall animation wont line up between the two screens. Ditto for instawarping between stages of a custom boss, the bigger problem for me.

I'd like the solution to be that tile animation doesn't care about the SCREEN- but it does care about the combo. That is, Whenever a combo is revealed ala combo animation, it will start from the first tile in the sequence. If it is revealed by Link coming onto new screen, the current system applies.

This is complicated, and it's why nothing has been done about this yet.

I think the combo and flag information is seperate for every layer because it would be a long, brutal chore for FCF/DN to figure out what happens with stacked combos. How should Zquest handle a combo that is a convayer left on Layer 0 and convayer right on Layer 1? A l statute on Layer 0 and a r statue on Layer 1? It might be possible to make this work, but for every new layer, I'm betting DN/FTC would have to program in what the "sum" of stacked combos is for every possible combination.

You might think they could devise some algorithm to stack combos and run with it, but I doubt they can- I doubt combo attributes are programmed in a very similar way, knowing the hodge-podge coding that has been going on with ZC so far. Plus, there doesn't seem to be a simple test to see how all combos stack. (Maybe just always have the Layer 0 combo win in contests? But if thats so, why have layered combos at all?)


05-03-2003, 10:42 PM
well..your first suggestion c-dawg could be a quest rule called "combo animation fix" or something so if the quest designer does in fact feature something like a waterfall spanning more than one screen, then he could leave this rule unchecked & have animation run as it currently does--maybe it'd even be a screen flag; as far as #2, its understandable...especially when talking about combo affects spanning all 6 layers, but i think that combo properties should just take affect on layers 0-3; and as far as certain combos being stacked-maybe they'd result in bugs and DN could post a list of all 'combo mixes' that result in bugs..as far as statue r over statue l, maybe doing so results in a fireball being shot from each side and as far conveyor left over conveyor right, maybe it just results in a regular walkable tile cuz they cancel each other out sorta, or even make it so that Link cannot move at all! because they are both forcing him in two opposite directions! if not combo properties on 1 & 2 in addition to 0, then maybe just layer 1 in addition to 0. But having up to 3 stacked combos would be great! like imagine a lava current--damage combo on layer 2, conveyor combo on layer 1 and water combo on layer 0!