View Full Version : For linux gamers:

05-01-2003, 01:58 AM
I just purchased Winex from www.transgaming.com, and sofar I am extremely impressed. I can run warcraft III without the slightest hitch, it's just like I am in windows!

I can't wait to try some of my other games out, this is great :)

05-02-2003, 01:20 AM
I plan on getting WineX immediatly when I get a new computer. I really want to finish Starcraft, and I'd like to play Warcraft III as well (thankfully, both work very well under WineX)

I wish FFVII for the PC worked on it, but it doesn't sound like it does from transgamings site. May have to get it for PSX one day.

Oh, and if anyone wants to play any of the Quake games for Linux, let me know. I've got'm all working, full OpenGL mode for each! (I just beat Quake II the other day, it was awesome)

05-02-2003, 07:54 AM
/me senses the irony that linux users need windows emulation, despite that "it's easy to find software for linux"

05-02-2003, 01:23 PM
Wine is not an emulator!

It is easy to find software for Linux, but not all companies port their games to Linux. (for example, Blizzard doesn't port it's games to Linux). But, If I can get a program that re-implements the Windows API so I can play the games I want on Linux without having to deal with Windows, then I will.

05-02-2003, 05:38 PM
vegeta, I'm interested in some of that quake info. Maybe you could PM me?

And Atma: Please, just this once, let me use the word "linux" without hearing a jab at it.

05-02-2003, 11:34 PM
I can post the quake info here.

There is this big long document called the Linux Quake How To. It deals with the first two Quakes, and can be found here, http://linuxquake.com/howto/ as well as many other places over the net. Follow the instructions on that page of how to get the files you need off the official Quake cds. But thats it.

- Quake, I found this page where this guy made a GL Quake binary that is not linked against Glide and uses modern GL extensions, such as Nvidia stuff (you can also get the source and build it if need be, but the binary worked perfectly for me). You can check that out here: http://mfcn.ilo.de/glxquake/

- Quake II, I found a similar page. The people at Icculus, who port alot of games (they're working on the Duke Nukem 3D Linux port), also have ported Quake II in a similar way to the above link for Quake. Check it out: http://www.icculus.org/quake2/

- Quake III Arena, I actually had the Linux disc, made by Loki, but any Q3A disc will do. Check out Loki's site, and they will tell you which files to get off the cd and where to put them: http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/ Then you just have to get the latest point release from Id, and you're ready to go! (I use point release 1.31, cause 1.32 kept crashing on me)

Enjoy the Quake :)