View Full Version : Adventures of Link

04-25-2003, 05:14 PM
I'm playing this quest by pLeitorian and I have gotten thru
level 6 and it doesn't seem to me that I have enough items to be this far
I have the

Raft, ladder, Magic Book, Blue Ring, L1 Bracelet and the Small Wallet

Blue Boomerang, Bombs (regular), Bow and Arrow, Red Candle, Flute,and a Blue Juice.

Is there something I have missed in one of the first 6 dungeons?
I ask because I can't find level 7 or 8 and think I need something I have missed to get to them. Am I wrong and just need to keep looking or go back to get something?

Thanks for the help


04-25-2003, 09:41 PM
fajz, the original Adventure of Link thread is here: http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=71165&pagenumber=2 (kind of surprised you missed it, it's been on page 1 for days.....)

There is a text file saying the full list of items you can have before level 7 (i.e., the most you could have before playing it), which are:

14 Hearts, 0 HCP, magic sword, magic boomerang, magic shield, ladder, red candle, bait, power bracelet, bow and wooden arrow, whistle, bait, blue ring, magic book, raft, small wallet

The original thread tells you some hints about how to get to Level 7. Go read that, and if you're still stuck, post there.