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04-25-2003, 06:36 AM
Just doing my part to ensure that the PA (http://www.penny-arcade.com) strip that American Greetings demanded they take down (http://www.penny-arcade.com/news.php3?date=2003-04-21#1243) gets seen...

Tart As A Double Entendre (http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php3?date=2003-04-14)

Incidentally, you have to be logged in to see the image. It's a fairly good size and I do like to conserve bandwidth whenever possible. :shrug:

04-25-2003, 06:59 AM

lol, thats awesome! *saves*

edit @ 7:13am
so shadowblazer doesnt look dumb on part of me, my original thread said something about merging SWE's thread...

04-25-2003, 07:03 AM
I could have, and I did, in fact, consider it. But I wanted the thread to be seen and I wanted the image to be in the first post of the thread. I could have replied to SWE's thread and modified the dateline of my post so that it would appear first, but then the rest of the thread would have been confusing to anybody who hadn't already read it. I also don't like to use my awesome powers to hijack threads like that, when it's just as easy to create a new one.

So, with all that in mind, I made a new thread. Do you have a problem with that, foolish mortal? :sb:

04-25-2003, 07:47 AM
Originally posted by Shadowblazer
I could have, and I did, in fact, consider it. But I wanted the thread to be seen and I wanted the image to be in the first post of the thread. I could have replied to SWE's thread and modified the dateline of my post so that it would appear first, but then the rest of the thread would have been confusing to anybody who hadn't already read it. I also don't like to use my awesome powers to hijack threads like that, when it's just as easy to create a new one.

So, with all that in mind, I made a new thread. Do you have a problem with that, foolish mortal? :sb:

Wow, the Custom Title doesn't lie! ;)

04-25-2003, 11:31 AM
its funny how much legal shit sites like penny arcade and something awful get into all the time.

04-25-2003, 01:08 PM
No kidding... I think that's bullshit that they got into trouble for that. I think it's cool :)

04-25-2003, 02:21 PM
Shweet. haha :D

/me waits for the 'cinky carebears'

04-25-2003, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Shadowblazer
Do you have a problem with that, foolish mortal? :sb:

yesh. come here so that i may punish you.

04-25-2003, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by cyberkitten
yesh. come here so that i may punish you.

/me runs over to CK's house


I actually saw this picture when it was first posted on Penny Arcade. I usually keep an eye on the comics and articles there cuz JJ and I find them hilarious. And although I probably shouldn't admit it, I kinda like the strawberry shortcake pic!


System Error
04-25-2003, 09:54 PM
And besides, wee little girls aren't going to look at that and change their opinion on buying it or not. And those who do see it most likely don't care for that shit anyhow. I think the whole AG staff should've commited suicide for making such a shitty product in the first place. Now their shit has spread as fast as SARS has.

04-26-2003, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by System Error
And besides, wee little girls aren't going to look at that and change their opinion on buying it or not.

A question, though: What wee little girl would be looking at Penny Arcade, again? O_o

04-26-2003, 03:40 AM
Yes I'm a lowly "member" instead of an admin but why is this frozen? It doesn't seem important in any way.

04-26-2003, 10:00 AM
i saw that one. :thumbsup: my dad was walking in right when i went to see the new PA comic and he cracked up. =D