View Full Version : Layers

04-23-2003, 09:32 PM
In 182 under layers there are extra yellow boxes with asteriks, what do they do? I layer alot and just switched to 182 from 163, so i dont have a clue as to what these do.

04-23-2003, 09:39 PM
i didn't for awhile either but here's what they do:
1. click the * in the layer data menu.
2. input a map # and then click done.
3. this makes it so that on all screens of the current map automatically use corresponding screens on the designated map as that particular layer
4. this feature is apropriately known as "autolayers"
5. for example, if you are on screen 10 of map 1 and then click the asterik for layer 3 in the layer data menu, and then input map # 3, then screen 10 on map 3 will be layer 3 for screen 10 of map 1; likewise, all other screens on the same map, map #1 will use their corresponding screen on map 3 for their layer 3 as well.
6. layers have been buggy in some versions for certain people with certain computers; especially when trying to change the autolayer but with windows xp, i have not noticed anything wrong with using this feature.
7. see my zquest tutorial (the link is now in my signature) for more information on layering & autolayers