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View Full Version : "Convey" tile attribute

04-22-2003, 01:45 PM
I tried using this attribute while I was working on my first quest, but it didn't work the way I thought it would. My impression was that by stepping on a tile with the "convey left" attribute, for example, Link would automatically move to the left. Exactly how do you use these attributes, or do they not work in ZC 1.90? I haven't tried the attributes in 1.92 yet.

04-23-2003, 12:49 PM
Actually, if you're using a version of zquest that has the convey combo-type (we call it a "combo type" not a "tile attribute"), you're using a 1.92 beta. They didn't exist at all in 1.90. If you're not using b182, make sure to get it from the topic in ZC Discussion, since the earlier betas were very buggy.

They work just like conveyor belts, just like you'd expect. As with everything else, the combo-type only has an effect if you're putting it on layer zero, in case that's the problem.