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View Full Version : The Ultimate NES Collection

J.J. Maxx
04-22-2003, 10:36 AM
How long do you think we will have to wait until GC or the next gaming platform gives us an NES library-type game?

How much space does a GC disc hold? How large is the average NES game? If they ever came out with something like this I would buy a GC in an instant. Just boot it up, scroll down the list of games, hit start and start playing. The only problem I could see is the fact that Nintendo doesn't own rights to all those games and it would probably be a logistical nightmare. But would be cool nonetheless...


04-22-2003, 10:50 AM
Im pretty sure that every single nes game in exsistance could fit on one GC disk.
The biggest nes rom I have seen was around 700kb and the average Nes rom ranges from 256kb to 512kb (from my collection). Im pretty sure the GC disc holds more than 1.5 Gb (according to this site (http://www.psreporter.com/gamecube_specifications.html)) so size shouldn't be an issue.

Of course, there is a program where you can compile nes roms into a big old GBA rom dump and play the games from sellecting them from a list in the GUI of the rom itself. you can upload the rom to a GBA flash card and play it on your gba too. Granted, through this, the screen size is a bit weird but it can show a full screen mode where the screen moves with your character with the correct ratio of the nes screen.

Dr. Mutagen
04-22-2003, 12:00 PM
One huge NES collection would be kinda overwhelming IMO, but I guess it would be pretty cool.

04-22-2003, 02:48 PM
If Nintendo at least only included their first party games it would still be worth it in my opinion....

04-22-2003, 03:37 PM
Compressed all NES games fit on one CD. How do I know this? :O cause I have every single one on one CD.

And yes, it would only be first party games, so that would totally hamper it.

If you want a ton of NES games on 1 CD, buy a dreamcast, goto http://www.deemulation.com and get FRNES or NesterDC, load up all the damn roms you can, burn and play. :O You can scroll huge ass lists.

So uh, ya, that's your best shot really.

04-22-2003, 03:40 PM
*note to self for future reference*

honestly I've been waiting for a Zelda compilation since Mario All Stars came out. I'm still waiting. hopefully Final Fantasy Origins will spark something in Ninendo.

04-22-2003, 10:18 PM
That would rock, but maybe you could choose, for some class games, if you want re-vamped graphics like for Zelda, or Mario, since the Mario games already have better 16-bit sprites. I would like to play Star Tropics, or Earthbound Zero.