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carrot red
04-18-2003, 04:09 AM
Well it seems that Syria may be harboring Iraqi officials and may have WMD.
Should we pressure them by threatening more sanctions? We've already cut off their oil, which was a damned fine move on our part. Should we now cut off their roads?
What is the right action to be taken in your opinion?

04-18-2003, 04:14 AM
"Lake Syria" :p

04-18-2003, 04:23 AM
I think we should for the time being resort to diplomacy to deal with the problem with Syria at the moment. If that fails, then go onto Sanctions.

However there is even less justification for invading Syria than Iraq. Unlike Saddam's regime, Syria does not have an immediate history of attacking any of its neighbors nor has it ever used any chemical weapons, at least to my knowledge. There are the links between Syria and Terrorism, however I still don't believe it is necessary at this time to attack Syria.

04-18-2003, 08:58 AM
Syria did invade Israel at least once, and I believe has lots of troops stationed in Lebanon. It is recognized as a terrorist state however, like Libya with Moammar Ghadafi. It just hasn't received all the national attention of Iraque.

carrot red
04-18-2003, 09:15 AM
I don't know if it invaded Israel, but I know it's a recognized terrorist State and sponsors terrorist activities. And the former president (the father of the present one) perpetrated genocide against a faction of his own people.

04-18-2003, 03:00 PM
woohoo! I'm unique in the vote so far. I think for now we only need to capture or take out those Iraqis we are looking for, and the best way would be with special ops *and* political pressure. I don't think we need to start making war threats toward them... yet. I'm not yet convinced we have good reason to do something about Syria, and if we threathen them, we will be somewhat bound to follow up on those threats. If, instead, we pressure them in other ways, we can probably get what we want. These Iraqi officials need to be accounted for and in our control so we can make certain they don't later try to create trouble back in Iraq.

04-18-2003, 03:38 PM
From what I've heard(and this is likely to be my only post in this topic), Syria supports Hezbula(sp?) the same group that beat the Israeli army in Lebanon after Israel's invasion of Lebanon. the US considers Hezbula to be a terrorist group, therefore making Syria a terrorist state in the eyes of the US.

Syria has no love for the US or Israel largely because of Israel's occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights.

I think we should use the UN to do what we feel is needed. No need for war. I don't really believe the Ba'athist regime would go to Syria, since Syria has stolen WMD from Iraq in the past. But if they are there, we should try to get Security Council permission and send in a special ops force to grab them.

I still don't think the problem is WMD, but whether or not a country with them will actually use them or not, or give them away to terrorists who actually want to do us in.

04-18-2003, 04:00 PM

We arrogantly nuke them as well as any other country that doesn't agree with what we see as right, and rename the war to "Operation selective anhialation" or "Operation clean sweep"

Only then can "freedom" prevail...

04-19-2003, 03:33 AM
Originally posted by ICHBINDASWALROSS
Syria did invade Israel at least once, and I believe has lots of troops stationed in Lebanon. It is recognized as a terrorist state however, like Libya with Moammar Ghadafi. It just hasn't received all the national attention of Iraque.

I'm thinking more along the lines of the recent past, not as far back as the Yom Kippur war(I believe that is the war in which nearly all of Israel's neighbors invaded it all at once).

I highly doubt with the show of force we demonstrated in Iraq that Syria will be up for any further beligerance against the US.

Fatty Lumpkin
04-19-2003, 10:23 AM
Diplomacy won't work with Bush as president, but we might as well try.

Maverik X
04-19-2003, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Menokh
I think we should use the UN to do what we feel is needed. No need for war. I don't really believe the Ba'athist regime would go to Syria, since Syria has stolen WMD from Iraq in the past. But if they are there, we should try to get Security Council permission and send in a special ops force to grab them.

This is probably the best course of action. I don't think there is any need for war. I think that the most we should do is a special ops action, and only after all other options are exhausted. However, there is a problem:

Originally posted by Fatty Lumpkin
Diplomacy won't work with Bush as president, but we might as well try.

I have stated before, the Europeans have a saying. For every two sides of a problem, Clinton saw three sides; Bush, however, sees only one: his own. I got this from my uncle, who lived in Switzerland for much of his life and still has family there.

04-19-2003, 10:27 PM
I'm representing Syria in my school's model UN, and my draft resolution concentrates on keeping the "crusading infidel westerners" out of Middle Eastern affair. My placard said "Syria: Because Israel Sucks." Now it just says "Syria" and there's a big black streak on it.

04-20-2003, 04:08 AM
You had the option for nuke them... I couldn't resist. =)

04-20-2003, 03:47 PM
War is the last option, I say. But it is one we must be prepared for in the likely event that all else is shown to have failed.

However, the point in time that decision must be made is still a little bit off.

I hope war is not needed, but I won't be too surprised if it does.

God help Bush in handling this difficult situation properly.

Oh, and FCF, you're no longer unique. :p I just like that option for some odd reason.

04-20-2003, 11:23 PM
This is the concluding statement for my countries goals at the Model UN. Enjoy.

Syria's goals at the conference shall be to remove the infidel influence from its culture and foreign policy making processes. Too often, when Syria is about to improve the living standard of it people to a Utopian level through economic progress, the infidel west enters the picture and tells them that they have WMD's, just like the United States does, and that they must disarm, or economic sanctions shall be imposed, so that the US can remain the top dog in the world. This cannot go on! We must rise up, and launch a preemptive biological strike against the infidels, and kill them once and for all! The survivors shall see the true power of Allah, and shall be struck with the brightness of enlightenment! We shall call upon any Muslim true to his faith to aid us in this necessary task. Only through this may they be saved.

Maverik X
04-23-2003, 07:26 PM
It appears that Syria is going to let us in. Guess they know what may happen to them otherwise:naughty: