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04-18-2003, 12:32 AM
....I'd like to give a happy forum anniversary to me and those who've had one.:) I spent two years of my life at AGN, and I'm proud of it dammit!:D

Second, I'd like to get an opinion on "mooching off the government", programs like welfare, SSI, etc. Do you think it's neccesary for people who can't get a job/disabled, do you think it should be wiped out altogether, or who do you think should actually get it, or what? I hear of people getting those types of support, both people who are disabled, and those who don't really need it, but get it anyway. I'm even considering it myself, as I qualify for being a disabled person.

04-18-2003, 12:38 AM
Congrats on two years.

I think they are important programs, since we do precious little to help out the poor and disabled people in America anyway.

I just feel that something needs to be done to stop people who milk the system. It is truly sickening to hear about these welfare queens who have 8 kids simply so thay can get more money. It is also sickening to hear about these people on SSI who actually have well paying jobs and are not disabled in any way.

04-18-2003, 12:46 AM
I've read one of these SSI panphlets I have collected over the last few months, and you have to notify the SSA when any changes take place, like acquirring a job, getting married, and so on. I know now that my mother took advantage of this, but I don't plan on breaking any rules, if I ever engage in this type of program.

04-18-2003, 02:16 AM
I'm currently applying for SSI and hopefully Medicaid as well. I have no health insurance since I was no longer well enough to be a full time student, and thats what my parents health plan requires me to be in order to be covered past age 18.

Last I heard on the SSI, I got approved for initial coverage while they were making a final decision on what kind of coverage I'm entitled to.

And finally then, I need medicaid coverage to hopefully pay some of the cost of my recent hospitalization and prescriptions.

It is my parents hope that if I'm considered disabled enough to receive SSI and Medicaid, then that would be grounds to sue the health insurance to return my coverage due to the fact they have special rules for covering family members who are disabled.

04-18-2003, 02:17 AM
I think it should stay. Welfare helps many people. There are some people who take advantage of the govermant and cheat us out of the money, but if we help those who actually need it, I think it's worth it.

carrot red
04-18-2003, 03:17 AM
We need a better health care program, that's for sure. Welfare is a good thing too and I don't see why it should be wiped out. I know that people will always try to cheat the government of something or the other and will always succeed in doing it. That's no reason to stop helping the needy. There are enough homeless out there already.

And Happy 2nd Anniversary.:)

04-18-2003, 08:28 AM
Happy 2nd anniversary, Blonde!

You've been around quite awhile now, its great to see someone who sticks to the community...

Happy 2nd anniversary, MightyManfred!

Though I dont know you , happy anniversary anyway!

Happy 3rd anniversary, Dragon!

We registered in the same day =D didnt know that. Where you been , Dragon? We havent been getting enough nostalgic classic quests like the ones you used to make =P oh well , happy anniversary!

EDIT:Now I am , nevermind..

04-18-2003, 08:43 AM
In order to perform most efficiently the birthday and anniversary lists are only generated once each day. The first time somebody views the main page on any given day, those lists are updated and saved in their own template so that the query and the php processing for them don't have to run every time somebody views the main page.

The reason you weren't showing up is because at the time the anniversary list for the 18th was generated, you were banned, and banned users don't show up on either list :p

Oh and before you ask, your stars won't turn into rupees until it says you've been registered for 3 years in your profile, which takes the actual time of day that you registered into account (if I recall).

Edit: Bah, the problem was actually an error brought about by the fact that 2000 was a leap year. I've compensated for it now.

carrot red
04-18-2003, 09:46 AM
Happy 3rd anniversary, unbanned BJ.:p

04-18-2003, 09:52 AM

Thanks guys.:) Now I feel confident about taking yet another big step in the big bad real world.;)

04-18-2003, 10:21 AM
Happy second and third guys/girls/bigjoe :P

04-18-2003, 10:36 AM
congrats, n00bs. :kawaii:

04-18-2003, 12:08 PM
Medicaid and welfare need work. Just to keep track of the people receiving it. To have people just live off welfare when they don't need it is bad, but I would rather have 20% of the people on welfare needing it, than some people not getting it.

04-18-2003, 01:05 PM
Happy A's, guys.

Down here, there are so many people on welfare. My family were on welfare and the food stamp system for a few years, though I was very little so I don't really remember. My sister who had sarcoma cancer recieved SSI checks from when she was recooperating so that was very nice. I think programs like that need to stay. For the kids, mainly.

04-18-2003, 05:43 PM
Blonde, it's hard to qualify for disability. If you qualify for it there's no doubt that you need it and no stigmata in accepting it. And I'm pretty sure that if you get SSI you automatically get Medicaid. For medical bills incurred before you were declared disabled, you may have to apply for Medicaid spin-down, which is something else altogether.

Jawa Podracer
04-18-2003, 06:31 PM
Hapy anniversaries guys/gals.

And I think they should keep all of the programs. I had neighbors once that had almost all of the helping things(Welfare, food stamps, you name it, they probably had it) and they didn't need one bit of it. I was damn glad when I moved. Those people were just plain sick. I bet someone even lost a life because they applied before someone else.

04-18-2003, 08:22 PM
We have a welfare system here. Admittedly we have the terminally unemployed who have been on unemployment since leaving school but the people who abuse the system is in the minority. Actually it probably costs the taxpayer more per year for politician perks and benefits than the cheaters cost.