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View Full Version : Reversed resistance conveyors

04-17-2003, 08:35 PM
I've come up with an interesting concept that would make for a very useful type of combo. By combining conveyors with combo cycling, one could easily make a platform that floats across pits in a room (they would have to animate at exactly the same rate as the conveyor pushes Link). However, there is one problem with conveyor tiles that prevents this from working: They resist Link the wrong way to simulate a moving platform.

For the platform to be moving up, you would have to use a conveyor-up combo to push Link along with the platform. However, if Link tries to walk DOWN, the conveyor will be fighting him, and it will take him a lot of effort to fall off of the platform. In reality, walking in the opposite direction of a moving object will add the speeds of the two objects, making them part ways more quickly.

Now, what if Link walks in the same direction as the platform? The way conveyors work will DOUBLE his speed, while in reality, walking in the same direction as a moving object will make it take longer for them to part ways (assuming they're going at different speeds).

What I'd like to see is a set of conveyor combos where Link, while being still, will be pushed in the same direction as a conveyor is going, but while moving, doubles Link's speed when going the opposite direction, and halves it when going in the same direction.

I've done the best I can to explain this. Does anybody understand what I'm suggesting?

04-17-2003, 09:14 PM
How about just coding a one tile sprite that moves back and forth that when link is on it, it moves link and overrides certain combos(pits and some others)?

I know coding sprites is not fun, nor easy but there does come a point where you realise that while effects can be made using combos and such, there are some things that require sprites becasue of the amount of interactoin nessacary.

04-25-2003, 05:31 PM
I see what you're suggesting, but bear in mind that you can implement moving platforms now that just don't pull Link along with them. Alot of early NES and SNES games did the same thing, so it's not unbearable.

There was a detailed thread of mine somewhere where I posted the data and tiles you'd need to set this sort of thing up... I dont know where it's gone, though.


04-25-2003, 06:17 PM
I must be missing your point somewhere. Because, if Link is being pushed along with the direction of the platform, and he tries to walk the other way off of it, he should move slower than normal in that direction - his speed relative to the moving platform though will still be his usual speed, which is what it should be. This also means that Link would fall off the platform in the same amount of time no matter which way he tries to get off of it - which, as I noted, is how it should be.

If you want to see what I mean, go to the airport and get on one of those moving walkways. Start walking along with the walkway, and look around you. You'll notice that everything is moving along faster than if you were just walking on the ground. And if you walk the other way, you'll see that the stuff goes slower than normal. A moving platform is just like a moving walkway, except that you only have a small piece of that - but that fact doesn't affect this property in any way.