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View Full Version : zquesting using the mouse very little

04-15-2003, 07:06 PM
1. first, is there away to move the combos without the mouse, as you can do nearly everything else without the mouse & using "hotkeys" instead?
2. how many of you don't use the mouse unless necessary (like when placing combos) and use the keys instead?-like to set warps, edit dmaps, change map, change room type, edit item, guy, message string, change screen data, etc...how many can use the hotkeys to change such features? i'll bet it saves a lot of time but i myself don't really use them-i stick with the old fashion way & simply use the mouse for everything!

04-15-2003, 10:18 PM
MOUSE ALL THE WAY BABY!!!!.... hotkeys get on my nerves.... I never remember them..... the only ones I can remember are ctrl+z and ctrl+y.... but those arent in ZQ.....

04-18-2003, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by idontknow
2. how many of you don't use the mouse unless necessary (like when placing combos) and use the keys instead?-like to set warps, edit dmaps, change map, change room type, edit item, guy, message string, change screen data, etc...how many can use the hotkeys to change such features? i'll bet it saves a lot of time but i myself don't really use them-i stick with the old fashion way & simply use the mouse for everything! The only hotkeys I generally use are the copy/paste/flip/rotate keys in the tile editor, and the F-Keys when editing rooms. F6 (Doors), F8 (Flags) and F10 (Tile Warp) are the ones I find myself using fairly often. Sometimes F5 and F7, but infrequently (usually the only time I need those is if I screwed something up and need to go through a fix a bunch of things).

Come to think of it, I use the keys for editing room data too, since they're all easy to remember. E for Enemies, R for Room Type, I for Item, G for Guy...

Yeah, I guess I do use the keyboard for just about everything I can get away with ;)

04-20-2003, 10:28 PM
When using most programs, I tend to use hotkeys. I'm not big on the mouse. If you know keyboard shortcuts, you can do things alot faster. Zquest is a different story though. There is no where that keyboard shortcuts can help much. If you want to change screen flags, you can hit F9, but then you need to click the options with the mouse anyway (unless you want to spend five minutes tabbing to the right checkbox), and that defeats the purpose. Zelda Classic wasn't designed with keyboard editing in mind.

04-21-2003, 12:38 AM
i definitely use the hotkeys more, since my mouse doeswn't like to ever cooperate with me.

04-22-2003, 09:24 AM
Oh man... I'm all over the board with this one. I use many shortcuts, but I mostly use the "E" ones, h and v, (especially in the combo menu. ;) )