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View Full Version : Layer... I've looked everywhere...

04-10-2003, 04:51 PM
Ok, I just upgrated to Z-Quest 1.92 and love the new features. The problem is I can't get Layers and Overhead combos to work properly. I tried the tutorial, bu it only helps with 1.90.

When I got the layers working everything was fine, but the colors
of the layers were messed up. Is there something I need do the get it working?

Help me with overhead combos, or at least point me to someone who can (And a full Non-passworded 1.92 quest I can study). Thanks.

BTW Idontknows tutorial just makes my computer crash so I can't get it either.

04-10-2003, 06:23 PM
what?...thats bazarre! my tutorial makes ur computer crash!? completely?..like it F***s everything up!? thats never happened to me as far as I know...i spent all that time on it just so it can corrupt peoples' computers!?!? Ahhh!!! well, what kind of computer do you have & what exactly happens when you go to the tutorial?

04-10-2003, 09:15 PM
probably the java script eye candy.
(screen transitions)

netscape and IE read that crap differently what often works in one crashes the other.

04-10-2003, 10:06 PM
could be. some browsers don't like javascript.

04-11-2003, 02:23 PM
Well, as far as a 1.92 quest you can study, I'd recommend taking a look at 182demo.qst (I believe that's the filename, it's something close to that).

When it comes to working on layers, here are a few pointers: Layers aren't clear by default...you have to cover them with clear combos before you can see through them--most combosets have a few clear combos in them...they usually look black, though some use bright pink for the clear color (if they're using black as a visible color, it helps to have something with high contrast as the clear color).

Layers are also translucent by default...which means they show the floor through them hazily, like you'd want for clouds or mist. Most of the time, though, you'll want to uncheck the "trans." box on the layers menu, so your tree-tops etc. look solid rather than ghostly.

By pressing page-down or up you can get to a screen which shows you which layers are being shown (the checked layers are visible), and which one you are editing (the circle with the dot in it is the one you're editing...if a layer # doesn't have a circle under it, it means you need to assign a screen to use for that layer in the data->layers menu).

As for the differences between the layers...remember layers 0, 1, and 2 show up below Link and all enemies, layers 3 & 4 show up above Link and walking enemies, but below flying enemies, and layers 5 & 6 show up above everything.

04-11-2003, 02:36 PM
Well, Idontknow, my the computer I'm using is 1.5GHz, win XP, 256mb I belive (maybe more, i'm not sure, its my dad's) Neddless to say it's quite up to date, and I use DSL so I realy don't know why it would crash either.

Ok, The Trasparent color is the 'X' color right, Since I use Black in my pictures, I use 63 Red for that color. I should also note that I am using only my own custom graphic's in case that is an issue, but all in all I think I've covered all that.

BTW, I found out this morning that the version I downloaded was Build 160 something, and has been upgraded to 180 something (With Dins fire and stuff,) Could that be a problem, and where can I get the new one?

04-11-2003, 03:08 PM
Javascript errors on IDK's tutorial? Odd..

/me uploads his tutorial.

Here ya go.. http://nick.purezc.com/teilyr/layers.html

04-11-2003, 06:41 PM
I'd recommend getting b182, because b163 (is that the right number? It was something close to that...) was pretty unstable.

You can get b182 in from the pinned topic in ZC Discussion.

Actually, I'd recommend going to the topic I started, titled "B183 player downloads?" and getting 1. The b182 Zquest 2. The b182 support archive and 3. The b183 player--put them all in the same folder...re-name the zelda-w.exe from b182 before you put in the b183 player, though...you might want it for testing your quests, since it has lots of debugging features enabled. I'd recommend playing quests with b183 though, because the debugging features can be pretty annoying, with weird stuff happening if you accidentally hit the wrong key.

04-12-2003, 12:49 PM
I Clicked the Link and it said the account has been suspended, can I get it some where else, Pure ZC only refers me to the link in in ZC disscussion... I guess for now Build 163 will do, I'll wait for the next one, It will probly be more stable but if it takes Too long then I'll try again.

Oh, and thanks for the text tutorial, the problem was that I had trasparancey on. I turned it off and layers are working fine now.

04-12-2003, 04:26 PM
The account has been suspended? What the shit?

It works fine for me...

04-13-2003, 11:08 AM
Well it dosen't for me... Oh well

04-13-2003, 02:59 PM
what account? what do you guys mean?