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carrot red
04-09-2003, 02:10 PM
Should a person be allowed to hijack another person’s thread, divert it from its original purpose and turn it into a senseless boring Ping-Pong game with the post counting meter on?
The new poll option hack was disregarded.

I didn’t want my thread to end in GB, so I voted “no”.

04-09-2003, 02:32 PM
I don't see why not, in most cases. The author can always return and bring it back to the original topic. If it comes to spam or flaming, people can be warned. In any case, it really isn't a big deal what happens to a thread.

04-09-2003, 02:45 PM
I thought it was against the rules? (I got a PM about it once)

Generally, it is considered pretty rude to actively attempt to derail a thread from it's original topic.

04-09-2003, 03:44 PM
its also considered SPAMMING (not staying true to the original topic)

GD may be a place to 'go off-topic and discuss anything', but the general rule is that if a thread is about, oh say Donuts, and someone starts talking about motorcycles or some crap, they are spamming...

its not a question of 'should they be allowed', its a straight shot of 'have common decency and dont ruin someone elses thread'...

04-09-2003, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Thunderbird
I thought it was against the rules? (I got a PM about it once)

Generally, it is considered pretty rude to actively attempt to derail a thread from it's original topic.

Yeah, I'll have to agree with this belief, despite the fact I'm guilty of derailing a few topics on some occasions, most recently the ICP topic.

I'm not sure how against the rules it is, other than the obvious flagrant spamming(posting a BS reply that had utterly nothing to do with either the topic or some of the replies).

Also, topics that have been hopelessly derailed were closed in the past.

04-09-2003, 04:11 PM
Well... to some extent a discussion *was* taking place amidst the other crap. So...

That's a non-GB split copy. resume discussion if you like.

04-09-2003, 08:59 PM
HECK NO! Thats something newbies do! Hell, i don't even post alot, but.............that's something that should not be aallowwed

04-09-2003, 10:05 PM
It annoys me a bit to have to sift through the ping-ponging to get to the relevant material.

I've only reported it once when it was happening in a non-inflammatory manner in the ZC forums (chat-styled small talk at a post rate of at least 1 post every other minute or so.)

04-09-2003, 10:07 PM
Ping-ponging is all right...

what usually hijacks threads is DC and breakers endless battle...as soon as one of them starts everyone starts and the thread topic is forgotten and everything is now a sort of battle...even in GB this happens...cept in GB its much more insulting. Here they insinuate(sp?) alot of shit

04-09-2003, 11:36 PM
Indeed we do... Just because you post one thing doesn't mean it should stick to it :shrug: I like random outcomes, and well if people wanted to discuss the topic at hand they would and usually do.

04-10-2003, 01:11 AM
Generally, posts that are directed to one specific other member are frowned upon (that's what private messages are for). My usual rule is to ask: Would anyone other than the named other member care about this post? If the answer is no, then it's probably spam.

carrot red
04-10-2003, 03:45 AM
Originally posted by fatcatfan
Well... to some extent a discussion *was* taking place amidst the other crap. So...

That's a non-GB split copy. resume discussion if you like.

Thank you, fatcatfan.
But I gave this thread as an example and I didn't mean that I had a copyright on it or anything, that defeats the purpose of posting.
I saw that happening a lot lately ( the "wording" ping-ponging) and it got really boring.
That was more like a plea to stop.

I'm not against interjections and jabs posted by Breaker or plith from time to time namely with the rolleyes and the notes in red. I find them rather funny.

04-10-2003, 09:54 AM
Well, the ping-ponging is one thing. That does happen a bit, and kept in check, it isn't so bad. But your whole thread got moved to GB just because of some people's ping-ponging. That's what probably shouldn't have happened (though Breaker was right to try to move the conversation somewhere that flames could fly) :shrug:

04-10-2003, 12:54 PM
i voted not sure. i think it's generally rude to go off-topic, but sometimes it's necessary. what really bothers me is the amount of opinion-bashing that goes on. that's what seems to start the ping-pong bullshit usually. someone posts: 'i like (insert topic here) what do you guys think?' and within five posts, someone else just HAS to say: 'you suck because you like this'. now whats the point in that? it's just jabbing at someone. if you disagree, why not just post your own opinion and give a few reasons?