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View Full Version : ok, i'm about to delete ZC and Zquest...

04-04-2003, 02:21 PM
i'm having some serious problems here. im going to try to lay out exactly whats going on, and *hopefully* someone can help me out so i can once again use this wonderful program. the OS im running is windows ME.
first issue: this happened awhile ago, and i thought i had the problem licked, but i guess not. i had no midi support at all. i had sfx but no music (in either the windows version or the DOS). agsetup wasn't working correctly (freezing my comp and forcing me to reboot), so what i did to correct the problem (i THOUGHT) was this: i deleted all the ag.cfg files (one in my ZCbetaDOS folder, and one in my ZCbetaWIN folder) and ran zquest-w. i played the lost woods (but got no music) and shut down zquest. i now had a new ag.cfg file. i copied it and put it in my ZCbetaDOS folder. now, here's my problems with Zquest & ZCDOS: it won't start right off the bat. it'll start loading up, but before it's finished, it freezes. what i did was press ctrl+alt+dlt, and got the close program window. strangely, it wasn't Zquest or ZC that wasn't responding, it was msgloop (whatever THAT is). so i shut it down, and zquest magically started up. i played some midis, and it seemed to work just fine! in fact, it worked great.. for awhile. however, i still couldn't play music through the windows version. :shrug: so what i started doing was this: building in windows (which doesn't freeze my comp when starting up, and runs much more smoothly) and playing in DOS (so i could have music) however, last night before i went to work, all of that changed. i ran zquest/ZCDOS both about 12 times, each time with the same result: my comp would freeze up so completely i had to coldboot it... over and over again. at first i thought my player had been corrupted somehow, so i deleted all the files (except the saved games and .qst files) and DL them again. i did the same thing i did before (to fix the sound problem), but it still would freeze my comp. then i deleted all the windows files, and reDL them, but with the same results. now, i don't know what to do. if i could only make the windows version play the goddamn midis, it would be all a-ok. but i don't see how it isn't! the ag.cfg file worked just fine for the DOS version (at least, until my computer decided it wouldn't run it at all), and it's the same file!!
i'm sick of the DOS version.. it runs extremely choppy and forces me to turn off the 'msgloop' in order for it to play at all (i've found that i have to reboot the comp after i close zquest or ZC for me to run any other programs. im figuring this is because of whatever 'msgloop' does). i love the windows version except for the fact that it refuses to play midis. can someone... anyone.. (people, i want multiple suggestions here,) post exactly what they have done in order to make the midis play in windows? am i missing something here? (halfway through this post i deleted all my DOS files, im done with it. if i can't get midis to play, i guess my quest will just have to go without.) thanks for listening to my ranting. im just so FRUSTRATED at the moment. *sigh*

zora man
04-04-2003, 06:42 PM
Have you tried downloading other versions?
If you can make another version work then make a .cfg file with the other version then put it in the version you are having problems with.

04-05-2003, 10:07 AM
Hey firebug,
Wow man, sounds like you've been through the wringer. Don't blame you for being frustrated.
In my experience, Windows ME has been a thorn in the side of many many people for a long time. I myself took until two years ago to finally break down and upgrade from Win95 to Win98. Fortunately by that time Win98 was stable enough and compatible enough to my liking, so I'm sticking with it indefinitely. So in terms of that, If you are willing to go through the trouble, and have the ability to do so, I recommend upgrading (thats right, upgrading ;) ) to Win98 Second Edition.

In terms of how _I_ personally got midi's working in
zquest-w.exe and zelda-w.exe here's what I did (verision 1.92, build 182)
In the control panel, I went to Multimedia, then clicked on the MIDI tab. I had several choices under "Single Instrument," and the one that never failed ever was "Midi for Creative Stereo Music Synthesizer." The quality wasn't very good, as it is only FM synthesis, which sounds more like NES music, but it gets it to play.

The model of your sound card (if the drivers are installed correctly,) might give you more or different choices. I recommend making a shortcut to Multimedia from the control panel and placing it on your desktop. Then, try each choice in zquest-w.exe trying to play the lost woods MIDI. When one (or more,) works, keep it on that choice for when you run zquest-w.exe.

Good luck buddy :thumbsup:

04-05-2003, 01:09 PM
after some major fiddling around with my settings and some multiple downloading and deleting, I've finally got a working setup! im running 100% DOS zelda classic at the moment.. Zquest and ZC.. but i can't find a DOS 183 player :( i guess i'll just have to live with the 182 player for now, but hey! it doesn't force me to shut anything down, loads up quickly, plays midis and doesn't run choppy at all :thumbsup:
thanks guys!