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03-27-2003, 07:48 PM
Think about it... Stupid or not they are standing firm against the strongest millitary force in the world, and for their dedication I respect them in their efforts at losing.

I highly doubt Americans would have such heart.

Edit: I'll do the honors of rating this thread a one so you don't have (get) to

03-27-2003, 07:54 PM
I admire their conviction.

It's a shame so many must die to prove how strong it is.

03-27-2003, 08:01 PM
I'm still confused over the whole "We'll die to protect a regime that kills us and causes us suffering" mentality they have. It's admirable to fight for what you believe in, but there is such a thing as a stupid cause.

03-27-2003, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by Darth Cronic
Think about it... Stupid or not they are standing firm against the strongest millitary force in the world, and for their dedication I respect them in their efforts at losing.

I highly doubt Americans would have such heart.I agree. It's a testament to the human condition when you see people willing to end their lives because of their convictions.

Of course, I doubt they realize just how powerful the US is. Saddam is a modern Joseph Goebbels, completely manipulating the atmosphere in an around Baghdad. A lot of these soldiers probably think they can win. :shrug:

As for Americans not having heart, it is true that the marines marching through Iraq don't have the motivation of defending their home/birthplace against foreign intruders, but I'm sure that they are indeed motivated by Sep. 11th to do whatever they can for their ideals. In a sense, their home was invaded when the planes were hijacked, and I'm quite sure many of them have that same mindset.

03-27-2003, 09:00 PM
Edit: I dont mean to stir the pot or anything as to offend anyone. I dont normally comment on warfare or politics but for some reason this time it's different. *ahem* :)

I agree with all above stated comments/opinions in response to DCs comment (which particular comment of his I think holds truth about the Iraqi people's dedication to their beliefs) But as Atma pointed out...it's a sad situation how theyve been treated by where their dedication lies.

In reference to Americans (the majority of civilians), its like trying to describe the color blue to a color blind person. For example I believe many Americans would be apt to say they would all "have dedication"... I just think it'd be more difficult to compare such an occurance (as a military invasion from a larger country etc) to anything existant in American life already. Because some Americans are truly confident they would have that resiliance and fight in them. I also think that American military would never-failing be brave to protect us all... I respect their dedication so very much. Whether its warranted by neccessity such as the military of Iraq is, or just the loyalty of defending their home. Well, our home. *steps off the soapbox*

But yeah. I disagree with one thing. I think this is more than a 1 star post DC ;) :thumbsup:

03-27-2003, 10:20 PM
Dude, it isn't like these Iraqis are all fighting just because they're afraid of Saddam. Pretty much any ranking Iraqi officer, especially those in the Republican Guard, have just as much (if not MORE) to lose in this war as the Iraqi government does. If they lose, they'll be shuffled off into American jails, never to be heard from again... or punished for war crimes. They aint all fighting out of fear, folks.

And as far as their tactics- they're doing what they have to. When I hear reports of how they are "thugs" and whatnot, I'm reminded of ancient China. The "civilized" warlords fought according to Confucian ideals of fair play, and couldn't understand why some would resort to "barberous" and "dishonest" forms of warfare. Why? Because they multipy the effectiveness of the fighting force. America is afraid to kill civilians, and Iraqi military leaders are doing the smart thing tactically in taking advantage of that.

Of course, that sort of thing isn't going to make them popular with the people, but thats not their primary concern right now.


03-28-2003, 01:55 AM
I have to agree with you to an extent, C-Dawg. There are some rules of warfare that should not be broken. I feel it is despicable to knowingly and willingly place innocents in harm's way. However, the idea of a "fair" war is ridiculous. When I hear reporters talking of the "dirty tricks" and "cowardly tactics", I am reminded of the British soldiers, who complained that the American Revolutionists' cowardly actions (hiding behind walls to avoid gunshots) were unbecoming of soldiers.

03-28-2003, 01:58 AM
well-spoken C and atma, one could almost bring up our horrible defeat in viet-nam as well.....

03-28-2003, 02:07 AM
Bah. Do some research on the tactics that the brass used in Vietnam; if we had had our heads on straight and put our hearts in that conflict, we could have won. It doesn't change the fact we were embarrassed, but we just didn't fight it like a war.

Maverik X
03-28-2003, 02:12 AM
firebug beat me to it.

An interesting side note, many Iraqi citzens are more afraid of living under US rule than Saddam's rule, simply because it has been ingrained into their skulls that America represents evil.

*tosses the comment to the metaphorical sharks*

Have fun!

03-28-2003, 02:18 AM
Evil... You mean we aren't?

03-28-2003, 02:54 AM
Yeah, I remember when President Bush used nerve gas to kill all those Kurds... oh wait.

03-28-2003, 06:27 AM
It has been reported that some of the Iraqis only fight because if they do not, then their superior officers will shoot them on the battlefield. I also would contend that the United States does not intend to "rule Iraq" as had been suggested. For one, the UN wouldn't allow it, right? (For all the worth the UN has shown itself to have)

We'll be there long enough to set up the new Iraqi government, along with help from allies in the international community. For the record, we did actually run Japan briefly after WWII, as well as a quarter of Germany, but never did they have to try and break free of us. We abdicated the rule freely when each of them had a government to supercede us. Afghanistan, the latest "conquest" is under its own rule.

So don't suggest this is an imperialist war for control of foreign soil. Not without a LOT of proof.

03-28-2003, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by Darth Cronic
I highly doubt Americans would have such heart.

Gee, thanks. Seriously though... it isn't the common Iraqi citizens which are putting up the resistance, it's the military. For you to suggest that American soldiers would just roll over on their backs and piss themselves because we faced a superior force is an insult.

Yes, I am aware of some local militia and such fighting in Iraq, but do you honestly think that if America was invaded, every redneck with a hunting rifle would not hop in his pickup truck and go looking for trouble?

It's not about courage in the face of overwhelming odds, it's about honor, dignity, and (stubborn) pride.