View Full Version : two quick questions.....

03-25-2003, 02:07 PM
ok, first question... im wondering how (if its even possible) i would make multiple secrets in a single room... like... you hit a block with the boomerang, and the room changes so you can hit another combo with another item to change the room again... im pretty sure i could make the effect with multiple screens and instawarps, but it would take more work than im wanting lol...

second question.. ive been fiddling with layers for a while now and i cant seem to figure it out... can someone point me in the right direction to a guide of any sort.. a txt file or even a post somewhere explaining how to use them... ive looked thru and cant seem to find one that made any sense to my poor befuddled brain :(

thanx much:D

erm.. i guess it's three questions lol how do i get MIDIs to play?? i know i shoulda figured this out long ago... but for gameplay purposes, i didnt really care *shrug* but ive found some killer songs that id like to put into my quest, and i can put em in all i want, but i dont get to hear them while im testing my game :(

03-25-2003, 02:43 PM
1. Press & hold the control key, then click, when in the secret combos menu. This will allow you to place flags on the secret combos that appear, which will allow you to do what you'd like.

2. Read IDK's tutorial - http://www.geocities.com/idontknowtutorial/contents.html

3. Uhm... Make sure that you're assigning them to the dmaps. Also, make sure your midi volume is turned up.

03-25-2003, 02:47 PM
:D teilyr you always seem to know the answers. good deal and thanx alot

edit-- midi volume is 144.. i load a song and it says its playing, but i hear nothing. i see the name of the song and its length.... so i know its loaded into zquest.. hrm. i dunno

03-25-2003, 03:02 PM
Stupid question, but do you have ZQ's sound turned off? This is usually indicated by -s in the shortcut command line.

03-25-2003, 04:27 PM
um...secondary flags aren't in my tutorial...yet!...i will put it in there though...basically, when you hold control while clicking a secret combo spot, then you place a secondary flag, or level 2 flag..in other words, you place a flag for a secret combo...when secrets appear, that flag appears as well...if like lets say you put secret combo 16 on the screen & set its combo and then you hold control & click on the secret flag 16 secret combo & select flag 17, then, when playing, Link will need to activate two secrets in order for flag 17 to appear; the first time a secret is activated, then flag 16 secret combo appears and flag 17 "appears" over it and so when the secrets are activated a second time, flag 17 secret combo appears over flag 16 secret combo.

03-25-2003, 04:51 PM
teilyr-- stupid answer but... what? i have no clue how to get to where youre talking about.... and if i dont, then im pretty sure i never turned the sound off... it hasnt worked since i first DL zelda classic like... 5 months ago... lol. no sound in ZC or ZQ..

idk-- most excellent tutorial so far! i cant believe i havent found this before! thanks a lot for explaining some of the more confusing things :D

03-25-2003, 05:19 PM
Try running agsetup.exe again and manually select your sound card from the list...that should work.

03-25-2003, 05:42 PM
what kind of computer do ya have?...what version are you trying to download?...what midis are ya trying to play?...where: in zquest or zelda classic?...are sounds in general just not playing at all or do ya just want to be able to play your own midis as you create or play quests?...be more specific...

EDIT: OH! By the way, thanx for your compliments on my tutorial..i really didn't think it was anything special but if ya like it & if it does help, them i'm soo happy! :) this is a very hard tutorial to make because A) I'm using a very shitty program-geocite's page builder & B) the concepts i'm trying to describe are very hard to explain and may be hard for people (especially newbies) to grasp.

03-25-2003, 05:43 PM
If it is the dos version, then you should run agsetup. If it's the windopws version, copy an old ag.cfg file into the directory where zc is installed. if that don't work, then there could be a problem with your sound hardware or drivers.

03-25-2003, 07:47 PM
got it to work.. just redownloaded the player and it was fine *shrug* thanks much tho ;)

03-26-2003, 03:01 AM
I've had a few issues with flags that appear with secrets, but it's been mostly with the combos that are activated by your actions, and not the secret combos activated by them, but a multi-secret screen should be doable. You only have to set up the secret combos with proper flags (Use Ctrl+mouse-click). You only have 16 secret combos altogether though.