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View Full Version : Ever wanted an over under bridge? Read on!

03-23-2003, 11:59 AM
I decided to do this after reading Ielen's post about this subject.

Most intermediate folks know how to do this, but I figured I'd help out the rest of ya. :D

That being said, let's jump right into it.

Take your screen with the bridge on it, and copy it to another location on the same map.

Now that you have 2 screens, you're going to want to fiddle with your bridges. So, place 1 of the bridges on layers 1 or 2, and the other one on layer 3 or above. Link can walk on layers 1 & 2, and under 3+.

Next, the fun part - Setting up your warps.

Now, some people use insta warps with pits and such. That's all fine and dandy, but I'll tell you my way, as it's generally easier.

What I do is set up scrolling side warps on a path that the player HAS to walk on.

So, if you're on top of the bridge, and you wanna walk under it, use scrolling sidewarps that will eventually lead them to the identical screen. They walk under it layer 3 bridge, and then proceed through to the next portion of where ever you are.

Setting a scrolling side warp back to the original area will then allow you walk on top of the bridge again.

Understand? Feel free to ask questions if you don't.

03-23-2003, 12:44 PM
Actually, scrolling warps and insta warps both work well. You can use either or in this situation.

03-23-2003, 12:58 PM
You could actually do this with secrets & without warping..like make temp trigger combos that look just like the ground surrounding the bridge and then turn on the no secret sounds screen flag. You could start the screen off by placing the bridge on layer 3 so that he walks underneath it going a certain way. Coming from another way, Link would have to step over triggers that move the bridge to layer 1 so that he is over it...this works well if you want Link to swim under a bridge & walk over it...

03-23-2003, 01:25 PM
intresting.... so in theory you could have multiple bridges on one screen(bridge over bridge) right?...hmm I might have to use this....

03-23-2003, 02:55 PM
This is true, IDK.

But I wanted to give the folks the easy way to do it. No need to force yourself to setup more stuff than you need to until you're comfortable with ZQ.

03-23-2003, 03:57 PM
So now we have 3 methods.

1) Use side warps with 2 copies of the screen.
2) Use instawarp pits to temporarily warp to a nearly identical copy of the screen and back.
3) Use temp secret combos with tier 2 flags and overhead combos.

03-24-2003, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by Teilyr
Take your screen with the bridge on it, and copy it to another location on the same map.

Now that you have 2 screens, you're going to want to fiddle with your bridges. So, place 1 of the bridges on layers 1 or 2, and the other one on layer 3 or above. Link can walk on layers 1 & 2, and under 3+.

Next, the fun part - Setting up your warps.

Now, some people use insta warps with pits and such. That's all fine and dandy, but I'll tell you my way, as it's generally easier.

What I do is set up scrolling side warps on a path that the player HAS to walk on.

So, if you're on top of the bridge, and you wanna walk under it, use scrolling sidewarps that will eventually lead them to the identical screen. They walk under it layer 3 bridge, and then proceed through to the next portion of where ever you are.

Setting a scrolling side warp back to the original area will then allow you walk on top of the bridge again.

Understand? Feel free to ask questions if you don't.

Okay I've got tons of questions. This explanation seems too confusing especially the part when you mention about the warps. I tried what you suggested and only got Link to walk below the bridge, so my layer 3 or 4 works, but now the problem is I can't get Link to walk over the bridge. Link will still be walking below the bridge.

My bridge btw is in the north-south direction (there's only one such bridge in the Pure Tileset). I'm trying to get Link to walk above the bridge in north-south direction and walk below the bridge in east-west direction (now you see the picture?)

If I take away Layer 3, Link walks above the bridge. If I add Layer 3, then Link is below the bridge.

1) When copying the screen with the bridge on another location (let's call it second location) of the same map, do I have to use the same layering on the bridge on the second location screen?

2) Regarding the side warps, it's only for the screens on the first and second location only?

3) What do you mean when you say "Setting a scrolling side warp back to the original area will then allow you walk on top of the bridge again"? Do I set the scrolling side warp from the second location screen back to the first location screen (original area)? It's only this portion that sounds confusing.

03-24-2003, 04:36 AM
1) no, you use different layering depending on if you want him walking over or under the bridge.

3) Probably means to have the bridge route take you completely off screen to another screen and have the player work AROUND to that point (the bridge screen) from another angle and scrolling warp you into the new bridge screen.

03-24-2003, 08:38 AM
Hey, didn't I show you this in my quest? :odd: It's a great method, I know. We just have to find a great use for it, like a bridge panning 4 overworld areas. I just used it for graphics pleasantries. :shy:

03-24-2003, 01:32 PM
Hey, it is in my quest too and has already been a long time :odd:
But really, it's a good method, and I think I'm gonna use it a lot. :mega:

03-24-2003, 07:51 PM
Tell ya what..

I'll make a simple looking, unpassworded demo for this, then let you folks that don't understand it have a look.

Give me a few minutes, then I'll edit this post.

Edit - Alright, here we are. http://www.purezc.com/Quests/bridge.zip

03-24-2003, 08:35 PM
*gives him a few minutes*
its been a hour Teilyr. j/k :rolleyes: :-p

03-24-2003, 08:49 PM
It's probably taking longer than expected. It has been about an hour now.

03-24-2003, 09:22 PM
I'm sorry.. I just finished it. I had to do stuff for my sick mother.

Originally posted by Ielen
My bridge btw is in the north-south direction (there's only one such bridge in the Pure Tileset). Are you talking about the rope bridge? If so, just rotate it to how you need it to work.

As for the solid wood bridge, NS & EW are both in both versions of the pure set. I'm looking right at Pure V1, and they're right next to each other.

03-25-2003, 02:41 AM
After looking at the tutorial, I noticed there is one problem. If let's say you walk across the bridge from left to right (Map 1 screen 01 to Map 1 screen 02), you won't be able to cross the bridge as the bridge is now for Link to walk below.

Is it possible to have a situation where Link can walk below and above the bridge in one screen only? Let's say you allow Link to climb down the mountain in Map 1 screen 01, but Link would only be able to go above the bridge only and would not be able to go under the bridge.

Anyway I know this sounds kinda complicated, but thanks for taking the trouble to show us this good example.

03-25-2003, 04:28 AM
01 to 02 was supposed to be blocked off. ;)

As for the 1 screen, it is possible.. But the problem is that the bridge doesn't reset to the original layer unless the player leaves the screen.

I've added a screen like this to my tutorial so, redownload it and step on the warp on the 4th screen (before the up sidewarp) to see this other method.

It can be done both ways, in that you can start the bridge on layer 3 or 0, then have a trigger temp combo change it to the other one.

I'm pretty sure that I messed it up, so if someone can tell me what I did wrong, I'd appriciate it.

03-26-2003, 02:52 AM
I'll try to create a sample screen for an above/below setup without any limitations (except that the screen cannot hold any secrets).

It won't even have to use any layers, since overheads will work perfectly well.

Here's the setup I plan to use (experimentation has shown the basic principle to work without any problem.)

I'll basically use secret flags on the "under" bridge so that when activated, it will turn into an identical-looking "over" bridge. Then I'll use tier 2 flags to ensure that it can change back into original form next time secrets are activated. Then I place temp triggers around the path leading under the bridge so that they must be stepped on. If I do these things right, it should work without a glitch, and without needing a second screen.

03-26-2003, 09:21 AM
I'm not really sure why there's so much trouble here. I've managed to do it, but I might have done it my own way. I don't know how or why anyone's using secret flags to get this done, unless there's an event involved. Teilyr, you saw what I did with this in the thing I showed you, didn't you? ... didn't you? :shakeno:

03-26-2003, 11:45 AM
I do have a working example. I did discover in the midst of building it that you did need to use layers for the center of the bridge. The only other way to do it with tier 2 flags would require 18 different secrets to pull off.

Email me and I'll get the bridge example to you.

03-26-2003, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Britannianhero4
Teilyr, you saw what I did with this in the thing I showed you, didn't you? ... didn't you? :shakeno: I don't remember...