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03-22-2003, 10:36 PM
when i save an exit and go back it hasnt saved.. sometimes it works but then the next time i go in its gone again!!!!!! wats wrong? i got really far on marios insane rampage ....

03-22-2003, 10:43 PM
What do you mean by it not saving? Saving in Zelda doesn't always affect where you start off next time. Generally, you always restart back at the beginning (or in newer quests, at certain points using the Continue from Here checkmark on DMaps). Do you have the items and hearts you had collected from before, or is nothing saving?

03-22-2003, 10:55 PM
i kno im not stupid!
there was zelda and mario
and they're not even there
it doesnt even have the name of a character or anything

System Error
03-22-2003, 11:07 PM
Okay, when you booted up ZC, did some text like Loading save file...save file not found appear? If so, it's not saving right, and the .sav file becomes corrupted. If not, are you sure you quit using the exit function? I think you have to do that too. If you did, then are you sure you waited until the Armageddon Games message appears? Wait until the window says "Finished - zelda."

03-22-2003, 11:14 PM
ya i kno i did all that stuff... but i figured out why... someone set the save file to read only! im regretting letting my sis play this game. hey.. if anyone has a save file for marios insane rampage thats at the begging/middle/end of the 2nd castle i need that save file.. im too lazy to start over again

System Error
03-22-2003, 11:16 PM
Never trust siblings. Ever.

Grocery store isn't hard. Get over your laziness.

03-22-2003, 11:19 PM
cmon sumbody please... i dont care if its not hard you cant stop me from being lazy...

System Error
03-22-2003, 11:27 PM
Sorry, I would do so but I just finished Level 6: Asshole. Starting over happened to me once with HD Extreme. I was playing and found a secret grotto. I exited after getting the goods only to find ZC WAS PLAYING SO SLOWLY, IT WASN'T FUNNY. The music sounded...weird, but pretty cool and good. I bring up to menu, and it takes about a minute and a half to come up. I select Save, and CRASH! Didn't save for a while either. It also happened with the original HD when my hard drive decided to take a nap in the middle of gameplay. When I selected Save, nothing happened. CRASH! A few days ago, I was playing MIR too, when the same slowdown crap happened as before. I attempted to bring up the menu and I crossed my fingers, selected Save and CRASH! And once, I was trying to load up a significantly large quest, and it was slower than normal. After a few minutes, you guessed it, CRASH!

All of these times I had to start over from my last save, and I wasn't lazy there. The moral: SAVE OFTEN!

03-23-2003, 12:10 AM
ya well i saved a bunch of times but the file was set on read only so no matter how many times i saved it wouldnt work.... i saved like 50 billion times~~~~!!!! i dont like taking chances why do you think im asking for sum1 to give me their save file? cuz im too dam lazy

zora man
03-23-2003, 03:31 PM
Well since we are talking about mario where is the raft?
Oh and Da....fuzzz what ever your name is just play through it again if you would of just played again you would of already made it back to where you were.

System Error
03-23-2003, 05:28 PM
Go into the Sewer. In the room to the left of the room with the locked door, is a bunch of crap-typed enemies. Kill'm, and push a block. Presto, go down the stairs and claim your prize.

03-23-2003, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by DaFuZzMaStA
i kno im not stupid!

My mistake...:rolleyes: