View Full Version : Experiment: Reversible Switches & Statue Fire

03-21-2003, 11:34 PM
The proposed setup used an activated switch with a secret activation flag (something like boomerang or sword), an inactive switch with a secret flag (set to activated switch with flag), and block up tiles and block down tiles set to switch back and forth using tier 2 secret flags.

The blocks themselves work fine, as does the inactive switch, but the active switch never goes inactive like I want it to. Any ideas here?

Also, I did check on the nature of statues, the "Statues Shoot Fire" rule, and both under-combo and secret combos.

Undercombo statues never shoot fire. Temp-triggered statues don't either. Perma-Triggered statues, however, do shoot fire if you return to the screen, but require the player to exit the screen and return to do so. This suggests that the statue fire rule works as follows:

1) Player enters screen with rule set.
2) ZC immediately searches all combos on screen for statues.
3) A Fireshooter enemy is placed at any spot a statue is found.
4) All this takes in less than 1 tic, and then control passes to the player again.
5) Triggering a combo (secret or under) does not call up the routine to place fireshooter enemies.

It might be an interesting idea to have at least secret combos call the code for the "Statues Shoot Fire" rule IF the rule is active on screen.

03-22-2003, 08:22 AM
Interesting...first, i suppose that for your switches you are using "level 2" or "secondary" flags...the primary flag for the active switch, the one that is actually on the screen over the switch, should be your trigger. Then, for the secret combo of that trigger, the secondary flag should be secret flag 16. Secret combo16 should be the combo of the active switch with a secondary flag of the trigger flag type that you had used. Now, on the screen, you should place flag 16 over the inactive switch. Now try it...when you hit the first switch, that flag will change to the appropriate single combo with a flag 16 over it and the flag 16 flag will change to the same trigger flag that was originally over the active switch, so the switch should reverse roles...ya get it? and as far as the statues go, thanks for figuring this out for us, your prob very right with your research...this kind of stinks though...hmm...

EDIT: never mind actually...i double checked this and set up a similar scenario and this doesn't work quite the way i wanted it to..the first switch, the one thats inactive has a weapon trigger flag over it and that flags secondary flag is secret flag 16 and secret flag 16 secondary flag is that weapon trigger flag..it doesn't quite work the way we want it to...the secret can still be activated as many times in a row as you want instead of alternating which switch can be hit and the inactive switch doesn't change secret combo, it uses the secret combo of that of secret flag 16 instead of its own it seems....i'll need to work on this a bit later

03-26-2003, 01:55 PM
I've wanted that for a while too...and I know Cloral's been after the opposite (Statues are destroyed by a secret, and stop firing). Re-placing fire-shooter enemies after a secret would deffinately be a nice addition.

03-26-2003, 10:35 PM
I never tested whether or not statues stop firing if the statue ceases to be. My guess would be that it wouldn't though.