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View Full Version : Fabricated Statistics about the War

03-20-2003, 09:59 PM
Ive been noticing that the country has been lashing out in protests against the war.

and Im starting to wonder. The statistics and the amount of people protesting doesnt seem to match up.

Do you think that statistics in polls have been completely fabricated in order to brainwash people into beleiving that everyone else desires war?

03-20-2003, 10:07 PM
Yah, they're all democrats...lol

03-20-2003, 11:28 PM
Well, perhaps not fabricated per se, but I'm sure even the hardcore Republicans here will admit that every administration tends to... finesse... its statistics.

03-20-2003, 11:28 PM
Definately not, Mr. Consipracy Theory. The numbers already show a large number of people protesting. Nobody believes, nor do polls suggest, that "everybody desires war".

It is interesting to note though that there has been pro war picketing as well, and even an anti-France protest outside the embassy in Washington.

03-21-2003, 12:29 AM
Of course they fabricate things. And in other countries we notice it more as we get a broader range of news reports.

03-21-2003, 01:39 AM
The news just shows the demonstrations for rating reasons :p. There are probably a lot of people who are one way or the other, but don't do stupid things in trying to get their point across.

I chose sometimes. Usually the statistics are real, but anyone remember Vietnam (real life or History class :p)?

03-21-2003, 02:17 AM
It also matters - are they making the info seem as though it is worse than it actually is so enemies tuning in think we have less??

For the most part, I agree with rubixd - they're all democrats :D

(yahoo!! 1400 posts!)

03-21-2003, 03:41 AM
I have heard of media outlets putting news of anti-war protests and neglecting other LARGER pro-war (for lack of better term) protests. So what you see in the media may not be representative of what's happening. The presence of a media bias has long been attested to.

I do believe the majority of America stand behind this war. I've heard as high as 70-80% and it would not surprise me.

That being said, any organization can bias a statistical poll to try and garner support for their cause. They can bias the questions they ask in order to predispose people to what they want them to answer. That's why I'm glad this president is not a poll-driven president like our last one. This president is driven by values, and questions of right and wrong, and so even if public sentiment were against him, I firmly believe he would try to do the correct thing. Tony Blair is doubly so. And the ability to lead people where they must go when they don't want to go is truly a powerful ability.

Just look at Moses today, versus what people said of Moses while they were going from Egypt to their promised land. (Hint: Moses' people were whiners and pessimists during his time.)

03-21-2003, 11:58 AM
70-80%? No. All of us anti-Americans are loud, and hate our military and government. As one of them, I can tell you it's true, and not made up by politicians to bring more people to the pro-war side.
No poll is accurate unless they ask all 100% of Americans.

03-21-2003, 12:55 PM
Although, in a completely random and scientific sampling, they admit the standard error with a +/- 2.4%, or whatever. Everybody is prone to corrupting the statistics, but I think that the pro-war camp has been more guilty of it, only because they're the only people with hard evidence, facts, and statistics. The anti-war is an idealism and emotionally fueled position. And now, for a quote from Gundam Wing: "A decision made with a cool head is one you won't find yourself regretting later on."

03-21-2003, 01:34 PM
It would not surprise me if polls were exagerated, though I doubt the anti-war crowd in the US is the majority.

I've heard of instances, though, of online polls being taken by major news outlets being cleared and restarted because the outcomes of those polls were unfavorable to those news outlets.

carrot red
03-21-2003, 04:47 PM
All statistics hold a certain margin of error and cannot be foolproof.

03-21-2003, 04:55 PM
Actually, I just heard on the news about this *huge* protest out in San Francisco today. There were, like, 100 people there. Huge, I tell you, huge. If anything, I think the protests are being blown out of proportion, not the statistics.

03-21-2003, 06:48 PM
I saw the protest in San Francisco on T.V and they said 1300 had been arrested. And there was definately more than 100 people there.

Maverik X
03-21-2003, 07:01 PM
Sure, sometimes. Oh, btw Geep-can I call you Geep?- anyway, I ask of you, Geep, what values? I have yet to see some kind of value motivating mister Dubbya. My uncle-who is from Switzerland, and gets much of the European opinion whenever he visits- told me that the Europeans see this:for every issue, Clinton saw three sides, whereas Dubbya sees one-his. I rest my case.

03-21-2003, 07:03 PM
So Clinton was wishy-washy and Bush is determined. Gotcha

03-21-2003, 08:20 PM
I've seen anti-war protests, but no pro-war demonstrations.

As for polls, If you poll in NYC you get one answer, and If you poll in rural america you get an oposite answer.

Liberals dominate the big cities, a look at the vote map will show you this.
here is a picture that shows the democrat/republican makeup of the gore/ Bush election.
Democrate areas are in blue and republican in red.
