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View Full Version : Spring and stuff...

03-15-2003, 02:15 AM
Okay, I'm sure there are other people in the Northern US here on AGN, so this is something you can really relate to. For the past two weeks the temperature has been rising 2 degrees everyday, and next week the forcast calls for a 71 F* day. I almost grabbed my nuts and gyrated when I saw that!! Do you know how long I've endured this boring, depressing, chilly winter? I know there are other people that love the Spring, or just all-around warm weather.

Something sparks in me, and I seem to wake up feeling 500% refreshed and blessed by God. It's like my life changes with the seasons (that's probably why my mom thinks I'm bi-polar, lol.)

Think I'm crazy, I don't care, but all I know is that I love the Spring. Every goes alright in the spring and summer. For example, something sparked in me last week to finally get into shape. I don't mean 500 pushups and that's it. I mean I've been pushing myself til I can't lift anymore for the past week and a half. So far I'm able to lift 15 more pounds per arm. Though my arms are pulsating and screaming for a rest I feel great!! Better than I ever have before.

This summer will be my journey into legal adulthood (oh darn), and it's so bittersweet. I almost regret not being more foolish as a child/teen. I'm always the one to leave when things get too wild or whatever, but this time it's different. I think I've reached my true point in life where I can say that everything I do I am 100% aware off. My mistakes will be intentonal, because it's fun to make mistakes just to fix em when you're bored, lol!

I just wanted to ramble. I've noticed that half the people I see that are depressed cannot find any help. Like my brother for example. I tried for 4 hours to help him out or at least him feel better. I say this as a friend and a wiseman to any who are feeling depressed or left out: PLEASE POST ABOUT IT IN ROCK BOTTOM, OR TRY AND GET HELP FROM A FRIEND. Keeping depression to yourself only eats at you, and then some people wind up killing themselves, and they deny themselves a potention life of bliss, and for the better days ahead.

I just want everyone to be as happy as I am right now, and I feel bad when I see others suffer. So if anyone doesn't feel like their life is going right, talk to me on AIM or something, because it pains me to see others in pain, but it makes me swell with joy to see others being happy. Goodnight AGN.

03-15-2003, 02:41 AM
I know how you feel. I prefer to be cold over hot, but I'm tired of this. GIMME SOME DAMN SUNSHINE!!

Dr. Mutagen
03-15-2003, 12:13 PM
I agree with you 110%. After a dismal February and March, which is the absolute worst time of year IMO, the coming of spring is without a doubt refreshing. Of course, my birthday also lands in the spring, so there's another plus.

carrot red
03-15-2003, 07:27 PM
I can't stand the bad weather anymore. I need sunshine and fresh air. Hope spring will send some my way.:)

03-15-2003, 07:30 PM
It was up to 72 degrees here today :):)

I'm luvin it! :D

03-15-2003, 09:28 PM
i'm kinda missing the snow myself. we just had a beautiful snow day with 6 fresh inches on the ground, and today and yesterday it has been the vicinity of 60°... which causes a ton of lovely water everywhere on campus, and leads to the depressing aftermath of wet shoes. lol

I am ready for some nice warm outdoor fun though. Its been way to damn long since any of that.

03-15-2003, 09:44 PM
It's too damn hot where I live. But I still pick spring as my favorite season of them all

03-15-2003, 09:54 PM
We recently had a run of low 70 degree weather, although its cooled down a little and now its raining. Today was one of those dark rainy days that I rather enjoy.

I did take a step outside a day or so ago and not only was it not cold outside(as it has been in for the past 4 months) but it was actually warm in the sun. However, I had no pants on, so I quickly had to go back inside before any of the neighbors could see. I could've put on some pants when I went inside, but I was too lazy, and the only pair of pants I had to wear were sweat pants. Being seen in public with sweat pants on is almost as bad as no pants. Like in that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry saw that George was wearing sweat pants and told him how terrible he looked and explained that by wearing sweat pants in public, you declare to the world "I give up!". And I don't want people to think I've given up although I imagine I don't require sweat pants to give people the impression that I've given up on life, and the fact I can't run very far without being winded. I realized this quite nicely last night when I was up late, and I needed something from the computer room, and I had to go through the dog's room to get to it. Well on my way out, the dog ran through the door, out into the living room. Fearing the dog might wake my grandparents, who were asleep in the other room, I quickly ran after the dog to try and catch it. But then the dog ran faster as I began to run faster, and then when I caught up to the mongrel, I had to pick her up to keep her from escaping. Then I had to carry her back to her room and put her away. The ordeal left me struggling for air, not just gasping, but lying on the floor like a fish out of water.

God damn dog...