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03-10-2003, 01:19 PM
at some point ive done something to make it so the rupy, key, and heart icons in the subscreen are black.:eyebrow: the bombs show up all right and the magic meter shows up perfectly as well... i looked in sprites:weapons/misc, and game icons, but i cant seem to figure out what ive done :( any help would be greatly appreciated!

03-10-2003, 04:21 PM
They are in the first 4 tiles of the tileset. Tiles 0-3.

03-10-2003, 05:39 PM
yup. they're still there.. but they dont show up in my subscreen when i testplay.

03-10-2003, 07:11 PM
Check your palettes. That might be what's wrong.

03-10-2003, 09:18 PM
Unless you didn't edit them.

In the tile editor, press - until you get to cset 1, of any palette. Now, I could be wrong in this, but I'm pretty sure that the global setting for the heart meter is cset 1. This means that it's the same for all tilesets. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.

Now, as I was saying, if you don't see your heart meter on cset 1, then there's a problem with your main palette. Best way to fix this is to re-rip the main palette from whatever tileset you're using.

Hope this was helpful.

03-10-2003, 10:02 PM
I always thought it was 7, but I could be wrong. Maybe that's why I used to have a heart meter with a normal CSet. It would have my overworld colors for it.

03-11-2003, 06:02 AM
wow. ok, the problem is definately Cset 1. this is really wierd. when i go into quest>graphics>tiles, i start out with cset two. if i go to cset 1, everything's black. ok, i see the problem there. so i go into edit, and i can see the outlines of the hearts and so on, but with the little black x's... so i push edit, and heres where it gets wierd. theres sections for sprites, main, and levels... ALL of the Cset 1s in every section have colors. and when i exit out of the cset editor (without doing anything) Cset 1 magically has colors. (COOL! i think to myself) so i save and exit out... start up my game, and guess what? no hearts, no rupy, no key. (damn). so i go back into the tiles and look at cset 1... and its all black again... i have edited some of my csets, but not cset one at all... what could i do? should i try to edit the colors myself and fiddle around with it? im kind of scared to fuck it up too much.. thanx much guys!

03-11-2003, 08:21 AM
Isn't there a default on that?
I mean, can't you just click on default and have it reset the pallettes to original?

under Quest>> Defaults>> Pallettes, I beleve if you click on that it will reset them.

I must warn you I've never tried this, so it may not be the thing to do, but that's what I'd try.


If you loaded different pallettes, you may want to re-import them to try and reset it

03-11-2003, 10:29 AM
i could do that, but then i would miss out on all the colors ive added to the csets.. for instance, ive got a couple of tiles from later games that need more colors, and ive modified link so that he looks a little better.. on that note, ive also noticed that link disappears when ive got him set to hold up an item. the item goes up, but link is invisible... :( am i gonna have to start all over again? or is there some way i can fix this? (using the classic tileset w/modifications btw)

03-11-2003, 05:18 PM
make a new empty quest. When the quest is done and made go to misc--> Take snapshot. It should save as zeldaxxx.bmp. Go to the palette editor andclick cset1. press the grab button. locate the file and grab cset 1 from it. that should work.

03-11-2003, 07:09 PM
nope. doesnt work. i imported cset one and it did the same thing as before. it looked all right while i was in the tiles page, but when i exited out of the page and went back in, cset 1 was all black again. note.. as soon as i go to edit the pallettes, cset 1 clicks back on, and i can scroll through the csets all i want until i leave the tiles page. as soon as i do that, it returns to all-black. would someone be willing to look at this for me? i could email a qsu...

System Error
03-11-2003, 07:58 PM
Eh, that once happened to me, the colors were fine at first, but then they were fucked. The only solution may be to reset the colors of CSet1 manually. Or you may need to start a new quest...

03-11-2003, 08:05 PM
pleeeeeaaase dont tell me that! ive put so much work in this that my girlfriend hates me for it.. i dont want it to be a waste of time! plus, i figured out how to reset cset 1, but my heart rupy and key icons still show up as black in ZC. :(

03-12-2003, 02:32 PM
yaaaaaay! i fixed it! and i didnt even have to start over! im not sure what the disappearing cset was from, but to anyone who has ever had this problem or ever will, this is how i fixed it: i took a snapshot of my 'broken' quest, and then i went to defaults>pallettes, and set it. then i saved it as a different qst file, (just in case) then i went to graphics>pallettes, and grabbed all the pallettes i had edited one by one, test-playing it each time in between just to see if the hearts would appear. this is what i found out: i had edited cset 9 and changed/added a few colors to it. for whatever reason, all the other c-sets were fine, but when i fiddled with that one, it made my cset 1 all screwy. it would be there and then it wouldnt, my hearts and stuff wouldnt show, etc. i dont know why it did this, but it did. im using build 182, could this be a bug?

...now if only i could figure out the disappearing link problem lol