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View Full Version : Need help from a WinME/Win2000 user

The Savior
03-07-2003, 12:58 AM
A friend of mine recently bought 2 old computers, and wanted to get on the internet. The computers didn't come with modems, so I scrounged and found 2 modems that I no longer needed. I couldn't find driver disks for them, though. I also don't know exactly what OS is on the computers. So I'd really, really be appreciative if anyone could pass along one or more of the following:

Default PCI 56k Modem Driver (WinME/Win2k)
Default ISA 56k Modem Driver (WinME/Win2k)
Default CD-ROM Driver (Win98/WinME/Win2k)

If anyone is wondering about the last one, I need it because I have a Win98 CD of my own lying around somewhere. I doubt the computers have the drivers for a CD-ROM drive on there, so to get the modem drivers off the CD I'd need to install those also.

Thanks in advance.

03-07-2003, 01:05 AM
Well, if you know what company made the modem, you could probably get the drivers right off their website and put them on a floppy for your friend.

Anyway, here's a generic Win 98 CD-ROM driver:

The Savior
03-07-2003, 01:08 AM
I have no idea about one of the modems, and the other company doesn't offer drivers over the internet. Thank you very much for the CD-ROM link.

03-07-2003, 01:14 AM
So then you know the manufacturer for one of the modems?


If you can't find it somewhere in there, it probably doesn't exist.

The Savior
03-07-2003, 01:21 AM
Wow, I'm such a fucking idiot. I knew of that website that you posted, but until I read your post, I forgot that I still had the modem box. I thought that I gave it to my friend, thus making it unavailable. (I can't contact him before the drivers need to get on the computers)

Ugh, DriverZone doesn't have drivers, just a link to Best Data's site, Best Data being the manufacurer of the modem. Best Data doesn't have any drivers on their site that I can find, though they are referenced in the "updates" section. I also can't find the correct drivers at any other free drivers site.

Flash Man
03-07-2003, 02:21 AM

Try identifying the chips on the modem.

The Savior
03-07-2003, 02:31 AM
The modems are not in my possession at the moment, unfortunatly.