View Full Version : New Enemy tiles!! Where do they go?

03-06-2003, 11:00 PM
Hello all i have a question for anyone who is lisening. I have put my Yu-Gi-Oh quest aside for now and am attempting to complete a quest i started awhile ago my Mortal Kombat quest. To do this i am reworking all enemy tiles (or at least doing my best) i want all my enemies to look unique but my question is i have decided to use public beta 182 to upgrade my quest and add enemies and i am really confused on what tiles i need to copy over to where to get the new enemies to work in my quest. As an example i looked at the tiles in the example quest 182 and saw 6 lines of bats all the same and when i checked the new enemies i only saw one bat so why all the tiles? I also relize not all things in 182 are implemented yet but i did see dins fire work i would like to know how to get that in my quest as well as adding the magic meter and effects. Any help with any of these things would greatly be appreciated i have a copy of a zc tutorial but i did not see info on alot of the things i had questions for so if anyone can tell me whats up i would appreciate it.:)

oh one last thing i forgot to add i saw an enemy called a trigger on the list someone please tell me what that is.

03-07-2003, 12:04 AM
The new enemy tiles aere extended animations for all of ther enemies in ZC. You should check new enemy tiles.pdf to see where they all go at. The magic meter is one tile of the icons for it, with 8 tiles of the amount of magic you have in each container. Din's Fire is made by creating tiles for the fire that spreads around, and something like a cryatal to represent it in your inventory. The trigger enemy is supposed to trigger certain effects. I have never used it before, so I don't know if I am right.

03-07-2003, 12:33 AM
Thanx for info i will check the enemy tiles.pdf out and if anyone else has any info please let me know thanx all :)

03-07-2003, 06:36 AM
The trigger enemy is a placeholder. It's useful when combined with boss room flags and secret triggers, because you can set up another boss room somewhere else in the dungeon, and when it is beat (You take the special item or kill all the enemies), so too will the trigger enemy, allowing you to open the way via a totally different screen.

03-07-2003, 04:19 PM
Let's be a little more specific--the trigger enemy is an enemy that you can't kill, see, touch, taste, smell, or sense. There are only two ways to get rid of it--picking up the "kill all enemies" item, or (if you turn the boss screen-flag on) by triggering the boss flag remotely, by having another room in the dungeon with the "boss" screen-flag on--when you kill all the enemies in one, all the enemies in both will die. The trigger enemy makes it one way...you have to kill the enemies in room B to kill the enemies in room A, killing the real enemies in room A does nothing, since the "trigger" enemy is still alive (just make sure it's in the first slot).

Together with enemies->secret, it gives you a way to remotely activate the secret in a room.

03-07-2003, 11:32 PM
Ok i kinda understand the trigger thing now but i still wanna know about the new enemies. For example i saw alot of new wizrobes like the wind one. My question is in the 182beta example the wind wizrobe shoots out a tornado but when i upgraded my quest with the 182 beta it didnt shoot the tornado and there is alot of other things like that. So my original question was what do i do with the new enemy tiles but i guess what my real question is how do i get the enemies to work with the propper graphix in my quest? I copyed the enemy tiles from the 182beta to my quest on the exact same page they were on but it didnt seem to change much. Also i am trying to add magic to my quest so where do i put the magic tiles so they will work and do i have to check off any rules to make the magic work? All help is especially appreciated.