View Full Version : ProblemS again...

03-06-2003, 12:33 PM
Is this the tile bugging or i can fix those:

1.Monster not showing up:

I putted a bat in my first Dungeon thing and it doesnt show up... i putted the pattern that they come in at random. they can hurt me! but i cant see them, its like they were invisible

2.Locked door not showing up:

I putted a Locked door in my first Dungeon Thing and it doesnt show up... Its in the editor(i see it in editor) But in the game(when i test) i dont see it...

3.Shutter door:

I putted a Shutter door in my first Dungeon Thing and it doesnt show up... Its in the editor(i see it in editor) But in the game(when i test) i dont see it... *Like the locked door.

4.Pushable Block

I made a Pusahble block whit the combo thing: Push-wait
But i can`t seem to make it move like it wouldn`t be pushable(it isnt! but i putted the Push-Wait combo thing)

Please Help me...


Im sorry if im getting anoying.

03-06-2003, 01:59 PM
1. make sure the screen flag "invis enemies" is not checked
2. are you placing the door combo "locked"? make sure you have a combo for that door type
3. again, make sure you have a combo set for that door; what does appear when you set a shutter, anything?
4. push-wait means that when you have a push flag on it, you must wait until all enemies in the room are defeated
until you can actually push it; you still need a push flag on it.
-These aren't your only problems; theres no such word as "putted"; you would say; "I PUT a bat in my first dungeon..."

03-06-2003, 02:23 PM
Try this.

03-06-2003, 02:28 PM
1. Invis. enemy is not checked.

2.If you mean by combo is the door that you press f12(opens a place door menu) Yes thats how i putted it.

3.If you mean by combo is the door that you press f12(opens a place door menu) Yes thats how i putted it.

4. 1) There werent any enemys in that room.
2) I PUT the block i had to push to push-heavy and still didn`t work.

Thanks for trying to help me.

03-06-2003, 02:36 PM
on the doors...

they need to be put in the template and then the correct one checked.

on the push block...
you have to place a push flag on it, either flag 1, push up down, or flag 2 push 4 way.
also you have to have the bracelet to push them

03-06-2003, 02:55 PM
Thx for the help

03-06-2003, 03:12 PM
AAHHH!! you obviously don't have a good grade in english do you? you have no idea why i said "PUT"..i wrote PUT in capital letters to emphasize the fact that "PUTTED" is not a word..the past tense of to put is put..it doesn't change...anyway...you have to go to the quest-graphics-door combos menu and select what the door combo looks like...and make sure that you have the appropriate combo for each door!

03-07-2003, 12:12 PM
Footman, did you try check your dungeon room design for that room where the bat does not show up. If everything looks very crowded & cluttered, the bat will not appear. So you may need to modify the room again then the bat may appear.

03-07-2003, 10:27 PM
Almost all enemies need a walkable tile to spawn.