View Full Version : When School-wide announcements go bad.

03-06-2003, 11:41 AM
It's about 10:32 in Ny now. I just heard over the school announcement systems "The Boces program has been cancelled. all students are to go home."http://www.smilies.nl/yellows/dozey.gif Dude. Oceanside High school has to rephrase their announcements. I was in the science resource center, and then everyone actually started walking out. Don't believe me? Buy me a digital camera and a time machine, ... J/k. ;) :rolleyes: But it's amazing how the school didn't phrase that right.

Something else that the school screwed up is that a few weeks ago, someone had ordered a pizza 6th period for class party, and it came 6th, but the school officials kept trying to "test it" for anything, so it actually got to the classroom about an hour after school ended. http://www.smilies.nl/yellows/dozey.gif So we went downstairs to buy an entire pie for just $2. I was ecstatic.

School. :rolleyes: http://www.smilies.nl/yellows/dozey.gif


My school is weird. http://www.smilies.nl/happy/wink2.gif

03-06-2003, 12:56 PM
Our school usually has office aides make the announcements, and if they do anything bad, like a few years ago when it was snowing announce that there was an early dismissal which wasn't planned, they get severely punished. That way, it's never their fault.

03-06-2003, 04:51 PM
Our Principle stutters like hell when he is on the annoucements, and loves to hear himself talk as he draws out the most simple of requests into long drawn out speeches.

03-06-2003, 10:43 PM
We have some student do ares. And if there is like a school announcemt the prinicipal gets on there and gets all seriouse.

03-06-2003, 11:12 PM
One of the high schools I went to had a principal that used to announce the day's birthdays during his morning announcement. Students would just go up there before the start of the day and tell the secretary who had a birthday that day.

This practice ended the day he announced that it was "Mike Hunt's" birthday.

(Say it a few times out loud if you don't get it)

03-06-2003, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by Shadowblazer
This practice ended the day he announced that it was "Mike Hunt's" birthday.

hehe... I would love to hear that in class. It would brighten my day.

03-06-2003, 11:20 PM
what i hate is in the morning they announce what teachers are out for the day (so you don't have their class). sometimes its just special stuff like where the teachers meet. so what they do sometimes is say

"Mr. Smith's classes....... will not meet today(*kids cheer*)........................................... ...........................
...........EXCEPT for [insert-your-class-here]."

03-06-2003, 11:31 PM
Or "Ben Dover" that was always what I used to introduce myself as when I met new people

3-Headed Monkey
03-06-2003, 11:34 PM
My school has some stupid ideas and some pretty stupid policies, but I don't exactly have any funny stories, just rants about their policies. Some people, in fact most people here wouldn't understand why I'm against them. (I'm against wearing a noose around your neck, or what they call "ties")

03-07-2003, 12:26 AM
To succeed in life, you don't need intelligence. You just need to be able to go for long periods of time without breathing. That's what made Guybrush Threepwood a great protagonist.

03-07-2003, 05:35 PM
oh good old announcements.

*Ganonator clears his throat.

"Good Morning, Capital High. Today's...."

That's right, I used to read the morning announcements for my high school. What originally was our principals dull and boring voice turned into my dull and boring commentary.
I used it to subliminally get people to vote me in as the student body president (just kidding.. ha ..ha.a....a.... :sweat: )

either way, it was a lot more fun to tell the secretary I wasn't going to be there that day, and just skip the period that i was supposed to do them :evil: ohh good times.

03-07-2003, 05:51 PM
I learned at a young age how to work the schools PA system, and be it calling in orders as if I were in a drive-thru from the class room or running a school wide announcement to inform the principal that I was waiting to see him (after being called to his office) and that "Time is money" PA systems are fun ;)

03-07-2003, 06:34 PM
Our office has a simple philosophy: If you don't understand something, call somebody to the main office.

This has resulted in the following two humorous things happening:

My Social Studies teacher had gotten tired of marking the same student absent for every single day the first half of the year. (she was on medical leave of some sort, but it never got to his list) so he changed the name "Jackie Bob" (yes that's her real last name) to the spanish-sounding "Jaqulina Roberta" And two periods later I heard "Please pardon this interruption, would Jaqulina Roberta please report to the main office." Apparently they didn't get it.

One other time, right after the end of sixth period, I heard the following announcement:
"Please pardon this interruption, would Rusty Shacklebird please report to the main office." (Rusty Shaclkebird is the fake name the paranoid guy on King of the Hill uses)

Another interesting part: The announcement "The field trip to St. Patriks Cathedral has been canceled" is the "secret" signal to go into the "intruder alert" mode, and lock all the doors and pretend we're not there. There is also a secret phrase that only the teachers know which is the "all clear" sign, but to disguise the real code phrase from students during a drill the principal gets on and says several code phrases, such as "Play practice has been canceled" and "the network is back up" and (I'm not kidding) "The Trashcan is Green"
ummmmm... okay.

03-07-2003, 06:52 PM
Hmm...the only weird announcement we ever had at our school while I was there was:

I. P. Freely, you have a message on the message board. I repeat, there is a message on the message board for I. P. Freely.

I missed it, myself...I just tuned it out as one of those boring, annoying "message on the message board" messages, and wouldn't remember it unless a friend had reminded me of it...aparently just about everybody else in school heard it and understood it though. My health teacher filipped her lid, apparently, and I still didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Just oblivious sometimes, I guess.

3-Headed Monkey
03-07-2003, 07:56 PM
LOL! I don't know what's funnier, Verbatim, that you're school actually fell for such an old joke, or you didn't even notice it...

03-07-2003, 08:08 PM
Once, we had a book out to write names in for people to remember. It was annouced over the PA system until someone wrote Pat McCock. I wasn't listening at the time though. I was more interested in the ceiling fan.

Maverik X
03-07-2003, 08:14 PM
My school is so small, it has a phone system and no p.a. I don't know what I'm missing, by the looks of it.