View Full Version : Music Question

03-03-2003, 12:57 PM
Okay, I set up my MIDI in agsetup and I have overworld and dungeon music. But I don't have other types of music, like SFX sounds (I enabled them of course), the sword sound, killing an enemy sound, etc. I would assume that this is because when I go to setup right, center, left in agsetup, it doesn't work. How do I set up the left, center, right setting? I have tried every option it gives me in agsetup and it still doesn't work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Oh, and I am using version 1.92 beta.

03-03-2003, 06:13 PM
This isn't really a question about the quest editor itself, so I'm going to move it to ZC Discussion. I don't know much about setting up sound and so forth in ZC.