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View Full Version : That Deer in the Headlight Look...

J.J. Maxx
03-02-2003, 08:10 PM

Read this article, It's funny. (http://www.chronicletelegram.com/archive/html/2003/feb/022603/news/head2.html)

Here's the picture to go with the article:


:lol: :laughing: :lmao:

03-02-2003, 08:15 PM
"The Sheffield Police Department has a list of people who are interested in deer meat and the animals will be turned over to them to be butchered, McCaslin said. "


03-02-2003, 08:59 PM
Lol... I'm suprised this topic didn't have the name "From the alternative food source dept." or something.

03-02-2003, 10:40 PM
What if those were Santa's eight deer and Rudolph, hmm?

03-03-2003, 12:24 AM
Don Camp, owner of Ozone Window Tinting at East River and Detroit roads

How much did Don pay for that ad?

Pat McCaslin, operations supervisor for Metro Parks, said the deer, all does, must have been spooked by the cars.

“I’m sure they were just scared and they were going to run away from the vehicles, and that’s the only way they had to run,” she said.

Way to go Pat! I didn't know you also majored in Animal Psychology.

03-03-2003, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by Rijuhn
What if those were Santa's eight deer and Rudolph, hmm?

Oh, jeez... Everyone knows that Santa doesn't use deer... He uses REINDEER... And everyone knows that Santa doesn't use reindeer anymore, he uses a BIG RIG!!! And, everyone knows why Santa uses a Big Rig... To plow those damn DEER and REINDEER off the fucing highways!!!

03-03-2003, 01:23 AM
I was driving through the New Mexican back country and ran across a bunch of bull elk on the road - not quite 9 deer w/ suicidal tendencies.

The question is, how the hell did this story get such full publicity. I know it is interesting, even.. morbid?, but it sounds like the small town that it happened it was dying for a good news riff. Such interesting ways has our media turned.

03-03-2003, 03:03 AM
Such a strange thing to happen, at least by old standards. This is an odd world in which we live.

Also, is it only me, or did that article hint at overpopulation of deer in the area? *grabs a hunting bow, a rifle, and some camo and scent masking*

03-03-2003, 11:54 AM
:lol: haha thats great. Its people like us that laugh at stuff like that, that makes this world a much better place

03-03-2003, 01:36 PM
Funny stuff you got here.

03-03-2003, 08:34 PM
I bet it was staged

J.J. Maxx
03-03-2003, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by SUCCESSOR
I bet it was staged

Oh yeah, I can just imagine the local sheriff and his deputy haphazardly throwing deer off of bridges...

03-04-2003, 02:46 PM
I have hit three deer at different times in my driving career.
Two were just bumps but one wiped out the left front headlight and blinker, broke the grill and damaged the left fender.
It's a sacry thing to have one jump out in your path when your driving.