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View Full Version : colors in the DMap

02-26-2003, 10:42 AM
How do you set the colors?
Do you have to use the pre-set dungeon colors?
What do all those numbers mean?
I want color 4 and see no way to set the dmap.

my doors are different colors then the rest of the room.

02-26-2003, 11:03 AM
In each DMAP, you can select the color you want that corresponds to any of the numbers on your keyboard.
Color 4 would correspond to the number 4 on your keyboard.
But for your dungeon level, you can choose any number you want just to see how the dungeon would look like.

You can also alter the colors if you want, but it takes some time to color as you may need to alter the csets also.

Your door color will be reflected with what you choose for the Door Combo set. You can define as many door combo sets if you like.

02-26-2003, 01:25 PM
Are we talking about the 192-183?
that's what I've got...
anyway the 182 w/ the 183 player.
it's nothing like the 190 was.
in the "color" dropdown there are a bunch of numbers and letters, and also levels 1-9 are pre added with colors and level already selected.

in the 190 I added a number, like 4, but I see no way to do that with this.

I did get the door problem fixed, I had the wrong template in.

02-26-2003, 10:35 PM
There is no beta 1.92 build 183 released yet, only the 183 player.
Yes I am referring to the beta 1.92 build 182.
You can check your color scheme in the Graphics -> Palettes -> Levels. Each Level will be tied down to the csets. You can try alter your colors at the csets. I would alter Cset2 normally.

02-27-2003, 12:26 AM
I'm not following you here...
they are already filled in, how do you change that?

for level 3 dungeon it says "OD-lev 3 - castle" in the color area.

on the lower ones, what do you do?
type in a number and then the name?

what does the "OD" mean?
is that a color?

02-27-2003, 12:45 AM
Okay, just go to your Graphics -> Palettes -> Levels.
Let's say you select Level 3, you can change the name to something else. Then select cset2 and go to edit and you can try change the first three colors by keying each color then inserting the color you want.

To key a selected color, pressing keyboard numbers 1, 2, 3 will decrease the value and numbers 7, 8, 9
will increase the value.

You can also try to move the graphic box and see what color you obtain, but this time you need to click insert. Then you can check your map to see if the color is what you want. I normally amend colors 1, 2 and 3, for color 0, it will be black by default.

I try not to amend cset 3, 4, 9.

02-27-2003, 02:52 AM
Ok I figured it out.
Thanks for the help :O)
now my dungeon looks like I designed it to be :O)

now if I can just get midis to sound half way right, they sound awful.

02-27-2003, 06:41 AM
You're welcome, it took me some time to learn also.

You can adjust the volume & loops in the Midis, it's much easier as compared to Dmap coloring.

02-27-2003, 02:28 PM
had to swap the drivers around, sounds good now :O)