View Full Version : Farore's Wind Nayru's Love

02-25-2003, 04:05 PM
What dos Farore's Wind & Nayru's Love do?

02-25-2003, 04:14 PM
nothing right now...they should be implemented in a future version...Farore's wind when first used, sets up a warp point using magic & then when used again, Link warps to that point or makes a new one...perhaps when implemented, there will be a dmap option that allows the user to disable the use of farore's wind on that particular dmap..in Ocarina of Time, this could only be used in dungeons. Nayru's love probably puts Link is some sort of barrier that protects Link for a limited time using lots of magic (like in Ocarina of Time Link is engulfed in a blue diamond for a little while and he can't take any damage)