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View Full Version : Tile Animation Reset

02-25-2003, 09:16 AM
Since the dawn of combo animation, people have been asking for tile animation to reset with the combo. I'd like to add my voice to the group.

The problem- that tile animation takes place independant of what combo a cell is currently displaying- is double fold. In the first place, if we want to make combos that animate after Link does something, we have to use two-identical-tile animated combos in series rather than just one animated combo because the combo might be displayed on the first part of the tile animation sequence... might be displayed on the second. This means we can't well control the speed at which these things animate.

The second problem is with sorts of "timers"- be they a decending celing/walls, an hourglass, basically anything that is supposed to take a certain amount of time to animate through from the moment link appears on the screen. Since tile animation doesn't reset like combo animation does when the screen changes, it's impossible to accurately set up complicated timer mechanisms- even using two-identical-tile animated combos, if Link enters the room at the wrong time the combos will animate at twice the speed.

We NEED tile animation to begin for a given animated combo WHEN THAT COMBO IS DISPLAYED ON THE SCREEN AND NOT BEFORE. I can't think of any good reason to have it be otherwise.


04-26-2003, 08:10 PM
This sounds like a suggestion. Moving to Beta Suggestions.