View Full Version : 182 Question

02-24-2003, 05:36 PM
I finally got 182 running and it runs way to fast. Is there a way to slow it down to a human speed? Also how do you now upgrade 182 to 183? Is it worth the upgrade or is 182 just as good?


02-24-2003, 05:56 PM
Try going into the menu and looking for the Vsync option. Turn it on. I don't really know how to obtain beta 183. UI do know that 183 removes the mysterious "debug keys" that are in 182.

02-24-2003, 06:55 PM
The zip file only has the player executable, and you install that over the 182 player (or rename the 182 player before unzipping). It does at least as well as build 182, and I think it has some bugfixes in it. (It's just the player mind you)

Here is the thread that released the 183 player

02-24-2003, 07:38 PM
what bug fixes might they be?

02-24-2003, 07:41 PM
I can't recall IDK. I just remember hearing that there are bug fixes in it. It doesn't solve the map button problem. I do know that much, but that isn't a problem if you don't use a map key.

I hear Hidden Duality is more glitchy in 182, for one.

02-25-2003, 08:28 AM
Actually, I got HD to run perfectly on 182. (I was so happy! :giggle: )

And did you try the "v" or F1 keys? They both toggle Csync mode, in which if toggled, it tends to affect the speed of ZC on most computers. When flipped, it can make the difference between running at the perfect speed, to a "fast forward" mode, in which you can just zoom past everything, roam outside a dungeon, kill things for more bombs, (Like we probably had to do outside L4 in HD. ;) ) and that's done much faster, and much more efficiently using the speedup. (It's also pretty good practice for combat, i.e. incredibly rushed combat.)

02-25-2003, 04:10 PM
Try beta 183, and enable Vsync. If I recall, DN had tried a new way of Vsyncing, but seems to be less compatable, thus in 183, he switched back. So get beta 183, enable Vsync via F1 key.