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02-24-2003, 05:13 AM
I started playing Eckland again and finished Level 5, and a couple weird things happened that I thought I would mention. First of all, I went into the Old Mine and ran out of Magic during the exploration, so I had to leave out of a dark entry room. When I got outside, the trees were showing but the rest of the ground was blacked out. Fortunately, the ground faded back in when I moved one screen over.

The other issue is a ZC dungeon bug that is hopefully fixed or will be fixed soon (I'm playing Eckland in 163). There's a "Take your pick" room in Level 5 that gives a heart container or potion, the problem is if you take one and come back to the room, they're once again both there. I could have taken as many hearts as I wanted but as it was, I only took one.

So when I return it'll be on to Level 6 next. I'd forgotten how well-made this quest is!

02-24-2003, 07:40 AM
Thanx, Foxx. Actually the 1st one is more likely to be a ZC bug. It may be that the take-your-pick room is one of those room types that shouldn't be used in dungeons (like secret money)...I need to make a comprehensive list of which room types can be used where. This has been a thorn in my side for awhile.

02-26-2003, 07:10 AM
Heh. Well, I had an annoying group through the Old Mine, but the treasure at the end was worth it. Later, I rediscovered the cave that contained the directions to get through. So I could have saved some trouble but.... ooh well.

I've now found the Fisherman's Cave, and while it isn't giving me too much trouble it's starting to raise concerns about my flimsy D. Through the first 5 levels, should I have the blue ring at this point? The whistle? Access to super bombs? I found an advanced Gohma in the fisherman cave, but the arrow isn't taking him. Do I need some special weapon that I don't have yet?

By the way, what happened to the Eckland Support Forum at Afterblur?

02-26-2003, 07:36 AM
Gohma 3 takes 3 shots of the silver arrow to kill. It'll resemble a Red Gohma.
Gohma 4 takes 3 shots of the gold arrow to kill. It'll resemble a Blue Gohma and nothing less than the gold arrow will hurt it.

02-26-2003, 11:45 AM
Eckels probably cancelled that forum after people stopped posting. The blue ring is findable (top row screen 05) or buyable, but you don't get the whistle till level 6. The Fisherman's Cave is intentionally hard because you get the raft there.

I've been playing Return to Hyrule by Darwin, an excellent (and hard) 1.90 quest with nicely modified classic graphics. It's at the Archive if you'd like to try it.

02-26-2003, 04:08 PM
Thanks a lot. JayeM, your recommendations tend to be on target. I think I'll try out this puppy.

03-03-2003, 08:58 PM
I made it to the end of the fishermans cave - I have the whistle, super bombs, etc.

I cannot seem to get the raft after it appears - how does one remove the rocks that surround it?


03-03-2003, 11:17 PM
It's there after you kill the Gleeok.

03-04-2003, 08:13 AM
I did kill the Gleeok - but the raft appears behind the rocks - how do I retrieve it?


03-04-2003, 10:29 AM
Shoot the rock with the wand...I put 3 curved lines on the rock to look like the magic fired by the wand. That symbol is used again, in the far east part of the map.

03-04-2003, 06:47 PM
thanks, I'll go get the wand now -- I wondered what I was going to use on that bush....

follow-up question...

I can't seem to find level-7 -- I did find many other 'things' to power-up -- but, not the level-7 entrance... any clues?


Can someone provide a hint? -- thanks

03-12-2003, 12:14 AM
Lvl 7 is located at the southeast area. Use the whistle on the pond with peahats.

03-13-2003, 08:43 PM
thank you for your help -- completed the quest - great quest!!!