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View Full Version : Olin's Request (Short Quest)

J.J. Maxx
02-24-2003, 01:05 AM
Hello, I am looking for a few good men to help me rid the local woods of some wolves who have been killing some of the livestock in and around the village. The man who has asked me to carry out this mission (Olin Charkit) has provided me with four short daggers and some other items to help us.

I am hoping to start out as soon as I have enough men to tackle the wolves. I suspect there are a dozen or so. If you would like to help, there will be a reward. Meet me at the Grendel Inn.

*Jonas orders a drink and sits down at one of the tables in the main foyer...

(NOTE: If you would like to take part in this short role play, just enter the Inn and state a little about yourself. Just about your character because you will have no items or weapons until I give them to you. We all have an HP of 50 to start. No magic or crazy stuff like that. Just a couple of guys that don't mind getting their hands bloody and killing some things. But you never know what surprises may pop up. I'm looking for three to four people. I will be the game master and will describe to you whats going on as well as statistics. Pretty straight forward. I want to keep it as simple as possible while still having fun. I didn't want to start some huge epic RPG that we will all just tire of and forget. So here is a simple mission that will be some fun. Also this is my first Role Play so bear with me. ;))

02-25-2003, 08:46 PM
Noj approaches the bar and offers his services to Jonas

heck, i'll help out. being a shepard for the past several years, i have some expierence dealing with wolves. although i've never killed one, i've come close several times. damned things keep running away on me. anyway

Noj orders a drink

J.J. Maxx
02-25-2003, 11:49 PM
Excellent, here's a dagger and some money. Half now, half once all the wolves are killed. Now we just need a couple more people.

*Jonas gives Short Dagger to Noj

*Jonas gives 50 gold to Noj

The Savior
02-26-2003, 08:05 PM
Stilak the Barkeep: I dun't mean t'be eavesdroppin' but I herd you talkin about wulves. I'll tell ya straight up, you don't want nutin to do with them. They been gettin' all riled up at night, it ain't natural. Not natural at all, I thinks.

[Several minutes pass]

I been thinkin about wut you sed about them wulves. Passin' out drinks ain't makin me much gold, and I could use a little salary boost, if ya catch me drift. Wut might that reward be?

03-09-2003, 12:31 AM
/me wishes he knew how to do the cool red text effect

*Eric walks up to Joans looks him in the eye*

Eric:I hear you need some able men to kill some dogs for ya. I'll do it, providing I get a fair share of the profits from this here venture.

03-09-2003, 02:39 AM
Wolf killing? There's nothing I enjoy more than a good pup-kickin'. I, Cosmus, the town Drunk, will join you!
*Orders 3 drinks and a bucket of raw fish*