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02-21-2003, 11:12 PM
keep a look out for a "tutorial" i made....it will be coming soon...i made it via yahoo's page builder...oh! if you know how to change the web adress, instead of just accepting the one it automatically renders, then could you please tell me how?...right now, it has a really long name, and it has my real name in it, but i want my name to remain anonymous..so far, I have all the written works but i lack graphics & appeal..

System Error
02-21-2003, 11:19 PM
If you want to remain annoynamous, just submit bogus information. Heh, those PH0075 at angelfire think I'm some "Ackackabarg" guy who lives on Antarctica. :evil:

02-21-2003, 11:27 PM
what do you mean, in my profile?...um...it takes my yahoo screen name and puts it as part of the adress for each page in my tutorial which really stinks..its not my whole name, but i still don't want to give any part of my name away..also, the name is really long; i want the adress to be something like: www.IDKsTutorial.com or whatever...instead its like:
http://yahoo.geocities.<my screen name>.myzcpage.blah, blah, blah.net or something..i haven't really memorized it yet..."my zcpage" is just what i named the hml files or whatever they're called...i save the first as that and the next as myzcpage2, then myzcpage3, etc..just so i remember what to put

Edit: wooo!! the fake web names that i put in were automatically generated as a link...DO NOT click on them as i just made them up & they will not actually link you to anything worthwhile!

System Error
02-21-2003, 11:38 PM
Okay, got that. Keep up the good work on the tutorial.

02-22-2003, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by idontknow
also, the name is really long; i want the adress to be something like: www.IDKsTutorial.com or whatever...You'll have to register whatever domain name you want for it, and that costs money. However, there is so much competition amongst web hosting providers nowadays that it won't cost all that much... my domain name along with 200 MB storage and 20 GB bandwidth runs me about $100 / year. You may be able to do better.
Edit: wooo!! the fake web names that i put in were automatically generated as a link...DO NOT click on them as i just made them up & they will not actually link you to anything worthwhile!If you don't want that to happen uncheck the box next to "automatically parse URLs."

02-22-2003, 09:37 PM
alphadawg, i have a couple questions for you:
1. how do you make it so that you could post a file for people to download
2. if i was able to do that, could you please make a new tutorial out of this possibly? ;) i wouldn't mind actually if you did it rather than me and if you used my text..i have it all done (i think)...we def need more addtions to the current zquest tutorial