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02-21-2003, 08:50 PM
i am currently working a "help file" that should help newbies & anybody else that is confused with all the latest features...it will not cover basics (like what a comb is, how to place them, how to place a flag and set secret combos, what each & every item does, etc.) it just covers more compllicated material and updated features but it still should serve many very well...anyway, coud you all please post at least one Frequently Asked Queston for my FAQs Section?...that would be great...these should be basic quetions that are answered in only a few sentences if that. I've already covered the following:
- Properties of Lock Blocks & How to Use Them
- How to Make a locked treasure chest
- Making a combo animate
- combo cycling
- New Items
- Generating (& Properties of) the Magic System
- New Room Types
- Setting Up Shadows For Flying/Jumping Enemies
- Linking Strings Together
- Slashing
- Screen Flags
- New Flag
- New Quest Rules
- Making a layer
- to Layers
- Initial Data Properties
- Setting Up Din's Fire
- Bushes, Flowers, Tall Grass Oh My
- Dmap introduction, DMap Tiles, & DMap names
- Those Eyeball Combos
- Falling Floors
- Example of Making a Custom Boss
- Making a Title screen
- Making a Minigame
- Shallow Water
- There's something odd about the secret combos menu...
- How to make an appearable, slashable chest
& finally:

If you have any suggest frequently asked questions, please post them here; even if, & actually especially if, they've already been asked/answered in these forums...Thanks! :)

System Error
02-21-2003, 09:23 PM
Heh, this info should be stickied and it should clear up all newbie questions.

Coder GT
02-21-2003, 10:57 PM
Wow, good luck. Man, this should help me out!