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02-20-2003, 02:16 AM
The following is a (trimmed) transcript from a couple hours ago in chat:


(put in a doc by Brekkar to please the... well, the ones who don't like looking at long posts and making stupid replies, IE below)

02-20-2003, 02:39 AM
I have yet to find the relevance in this post. If you are saying bad things about CK, shouldn't it go in GB, or since you can't post there, not be said at all?? I don't get it...

02-20-2003, 02:51 AM
Well, if you had cared to read it before responding, you'd see that she did intentionally inspire the whole thing, and we all had a good laugh.

It's not a flame at ck; it's a post about everyone's reaction to Keith. We all found it funny. Sorry you didn't.

02-20-2003, 03:01 AM
Some people don't attend the chat so they never see a point in chat log posts. ;p

Drunken Tiger
02-20-2003, 03:14 AM
:eek: :eek:

He double posted!!



THat was one long ass chatlog... too small for my eyes... gave up halfway... :nerd: :nerd:

Lone Wolf
02-20-2003, 03:18 AM
WTF wants to sit here and read all that shit?

02-20-2003, 03:22 AM
Well, I suppose it is a little long, but it's not like anyone here has a life anyways ;) . I originally thought of posting it because it was about callitaday, but then we realized it wasn't him. To me, it's the same as a good forum discussion would have been back in the days before chat, so I thought I might bring it over to the boards for those that missed it. Now, of course, there is that whole "chat clique" idea some have, but if that's a person's reason for not reading, it's their loss. Just don't read it :shrug:.

War Lord
02-20-2003, 03:40 AM
Originally posted by Lone Wolf
WTF wants to sit here and read all that shit?

People who read forums obviously, I was in chat when it was going on and I still read it. There's always someone out there who will do any task...

02-20-2003, 03:40 AM
if you have nothing valuable to add to this thread (Ganonator, Lone Wolf), then dont post anything...

this log was a little long, but quite funny, no i wasnt there... CK IS INDEED EVIL! ;)

02-20-2003, 04:42 AM
There are many threads that don't interest me around here. I ignore them. It seems counter-productive to reply to a thread merely to point out that you don't care to read it.


That said, I found the log highly amusing. And mark my words, ck will pay for her mental molestation tonight. I afk at the time, so luckily I didn't get the chance to be taken in by her deception. I know how gullible I am though, and I can see myself believing her twisted lies...

cyberkitten, you will rue the day that you... made stuff up... and laughed...


Rue. That's the ticket...

02-20-2003, 01:00 PM
ok for anyone who missed it and wants to see it go here:
right click the file and save as. it is a little over 45 megs so i warned you. it is highly worth it

02-20-2003, 01:14 PM
lol, i missed like 3/4 of the conversation.
haven't DLed the video, but by people's reaction it was hilarious.

02-20-2003, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Mottzilla
Some people don't attend the chat so they never see a point in chat log posts. ;p

I do attend chat on a regular basis, but I feel that most of the funny stuff that goes on in chat should stay there for the pure fact that that's why people go to chat. There were plenty of times I sat at my comp and laughed and laughed, and we never brought it up on the boards. the best was the first intro of the MooCam, which in it's initial broadcast had some of the best ratings out there, although the comedy was dry.

Originally posted by Gerudo
if you have nothing valuable to add to this thread (Ganonator, Lone Wolf), then dont post anything...

I feel what I just said right there needed to be added to this thread. Had I not posted the first reply to this, that never would have been brought up, and we wouldn't be having this conversation now.

And yes, Kryten, after reading through it, it was a little humorous, but it would have been exponentially funnier had we been in chat to see it first hand.

02-20-2003, 01:31 PM
I'm getting it at school; I don't have DSL or anything at home.

I should try out for American Idol, and when Simon asks me why I'm there, I should say because I made a 20$ bet with my friend that I would humiliate myself on National TV and I don't feel like losing 20$. Keith was just, well... Ouch. Oh, and thanks for the Chat log.

02-20-2003, 02:14 PM
Gannonator, how about I go ahead and warn you now for playing rentamod and ask that you please not respond to this thread any further? -_-

It was quite hilarious, and I missed a great deal of it so reading the log brought these up to speed. When they told him he was a horrible singer, rotfl.

/me dies laughing but not before banning a few people at AGN