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02-19-2003, 11:40 PM
Rather than try to beat this game as fast as I could, I've been taking my time and enjoying exploring the game world. About two days ago I finally reached and beat Metroid Prime. I had 95% at the time, and had not used any FAQs or guides up till this point. I then set about getting the other 5%, but since I didn't want to wander around for ever looking for the last few powerups, I did scan a FAQ to see what I might be missing - although I did this more to see what sorts of areas to check (for instance, I noted that the ruins had a lot of items to get, so that directed my searches towards that area). And now I have 100%. Time to go beat Metroid Prime again to get the good ending.

02-20-2003, 12:14 AM
Is 100% just for the item collection, or is that for scans too?

I'm also curious if 100% scans means you've scanned everything you possibly can scan, or just those things that appear in your log book on the pause screen? Either way, it's a big feat. I've played for about 9 hours now and am only at 36%

Dart Zaidyer
02-20-2003, 01:02 AM
There are two 100% bonuses: One for collecting all items, and the other for scanning all log book entries. (All red scan points and creatures.)

02-20-2003, 05:02 AM
The percentage on the title screen is just items. In fact, there are 100 items that count towards this total, so it is easy to figure out exactly where you are.

Since I've unlocked hard mode, I'm going to try for 100% of the scans in that. I am going to use a FAQ for this, because I don't want to go through the whole game and miss something stupid like the Ice Shriekbats.

And for anyone else playing the game trying to get good percentage, I might offer up these 2 tips:

* Whenever you see something you can't reach, or a path thats blocked off, write it down. That way once you have the item you need to reach it you'll remember to come back for it.

* Listen! Item pickups have a distinctive sound they give off when you're near them (stop next to the next missle expansion you find to hear what I mean). Rather than running around with your beam charged up all the time, try moving around silently, listening for that sound. You'll be surprised how much stuff you'll find this way.

02-20-2003, 08:08 AM
100% is just for items. Scans are handled separate. (At 50% scans a gallery opens up, at 100% another gallery opens up. There's also 2 other galleries, one of them beating Prime (Any % item collection)

02-20-2003, 12:53 PM
lucky b****rd...

I can't even buy metroid until march 21st... (UK)

*goes and kills all who gots da prime!!111*

Dr. Mutagen
02-20-2003, 02:16 PM
Don't feel bad, Satanman. I live in the US and I still haven't had the time to play, let alone buy, MP. But after looking at the movie on the OoT bonus disk, I feel more motivated to get it

02-23-2003, 04:24 PM
All the previews on the OOT extra disc were better than the ones on the commercials.

(Yay! my 100th post!)

02-23-2003, 05:47 PM
I scanned everything but forgot to scan Flaghra the one time I beat him. :(

02-23-2003, 06:00 PM
I got 91% when I beat Metroid Prime for the first time in about 23 hours, and then I think I got up to 94% when I went searching again. The remaining 6% I got from looking in the Nintendo Player's Guide, some of the stuff I had passed earlier in the game because I couldn't get it or didn't realize how to get it. I started a Hard game and used a FAQ to get all the scanned stuff that you have to get on the first encounter, because they go away later in the game. I'm in the Phazon mines where you have to go through that long stretch through the Space Pirate's underground base. I haven't played in a while though, and that part of the game was very hard for me on the normal game, it'll probably take me many more tries this time, I just loose to much health.

Link 101
02-23-2003, 06:14 PM
I got 75% exactly so I could see the 2nd best ending. Samus looks so real!