View Full Version : New Secret Combo/level 2 flag ideas

02-19-2003, 09:47 PM
not sure what we should call them but these are the flags that are actually "created" when you activate secret combos..."Tiers" or "phases" are the levels of secret combos...when you activate a first "Tier" or set of combos, then you could activate the secret combos and secret, secret flags (or level 2 flags) and when you activate the level 2 flags, you could activate them and thus activate any level 3 flags, or tear 2 secrets....essentially what you have is a chain/series of secrets. I dedicate this post to all ideas people have experimented with this new system of multi-level secrets so we could share and get ideas going around about how to use this to one's advantage...in the post that i had started about this i have found several ideas, including the following:

-Creating moveable block puzzles:
--have a door thats actually just a wall door combo and using combo cycling i made the door shut when Link enters the room. put the secret flags 21, 22, & 23 over each part of the door and make the secret combos for them just the same combos as the shutter door and then i made the secret flags for these secret flags the secret flags 24, 25, & 26 respectively. I made the secret combos for these the open part of the door. I started the room with one push block that you have to push to right to a "block trigger" and when you do so, it activates the tier 1 secrets and thus creates two more blocks that you have to push to two more block triggers and when you do that, the tier 2 secrets, the shutter door, opens!
-Appearable and slashable chest
--simply turn on the "enemies-->secret" screen flag and then place a secret flag 16 and set that secret combo 16 to the slashable chest combo and set its secret flag to "armos-->item" set the room type to special as normal and then set the special item...oh...finally just set the undercombo...tadah!
-Torch/Retracted Wall
--make a series of about 12 tiles that would show a looping animation of a lighted candle/torch. Make a combo that has 12 or whatever as the # of frames and set the animation speed to 10. Copy this combo 3 times. Link each of these combos together in an appropriate series and then make a combo of a unlit torch. Link the last lighted torch to this unlit torch combo. Now place the unlit combo on the screen and then place a burn combo over it. Go to the secret combo dialogue box and set the secret burn combo type to the first lighted torch in the sequence you had just created and then set the secret flag type to burn. Now, make a wall or obstacle that could only go away when the torch is lit. Make a tile of that wall retracted. Copy the tile of the retracted wall so that you have 16 consecutive retracted wall tiles and then make a combo of these tiles, selecting the first one and set the animation frames to 16 and animation speed to 10. Copy this combo 3 more times and link each of these combos together apropriately. Make a combo of the actual wall and link the last combo of the retracted wall to this combo...there should be no unwalkable areas of the retracted wall combo and the regular wall combo completely unwalkable. Then place the regular wall combo on the screen & then place the secret tile 16 on the screen over these wall combos and then go to the secret combo editor. Make secret combo 16 the first retracted wall combo and then set its level 2 flag type to secret combo 16. TaDah! now you have a torch that eventually fades out but could be lit or burned as many times as you can and when the torch goes out, the retracted wall goes back up too! Note you could also do this with other weapon flags (arrows would be great, bombs, etc.)

02-19-2003, 10:09 PM
Not to rip on your ideas but... why are you posting about this when the thread directly below it contains all the information you're posting about, and more?


02-20-2003, 09:16 AM
Well... I.. would suppose that the previous thread would be more of a "help" thread, and this one would be the discussion of the ideas. I can see that happening. :shrug:

02-20-2003, 12:43 PM
Is this a suggestion? I think we should aim to make quests smaller by addeding open-ended puzzle codes rather than work with 2000 maps and d-maps. Ideas like this would open the door to more possibilities with puzzles, and less likliness or bugs appearing, since most of the bugs are either warp related, or secret combo related.

02-20-2003, 04:55 PM
More ideas:
-lets say you place a burn flag over an unlit torch and then set the burn's secret flag to another burn flag, that would make a torch you could keep burning over & over...using a similar principle, you could make a wall that stops all combo and then place the "strike" flag over it and then make the secret flag of the strike flag another strike flag so you could keep striking it over & over and strike flags stop all items

System Error
02-20-2003, 07:37 PM
Sweet. I'm surprised I never heard anyone say anything about the appearable, slashable chest before. Hey, why don't we make a topic with all of the cool tricks that you can do? That'd help those newbies understand how we do our cool quest tricks.

02-20-2003, 07:58 PM
I have tested and flags 32-47 don't work with this.

System Error
02-20-2003, 08:02 PM
Well, maybe we should have levels of secret flags, that only trigger after secrets are activated after the secrets before it are triggered.

02-20-2003, 09:05 PM
thats what i mean! i mean this is what already happens!...i'll explain how to set it up. i will use the term "level 2 flag" when talking about the secret flag that you select in the secret combo menu by holding down control as you click...anyway, here's how its done:
1) first, place a weapon flag on the secret such as burn
2) make the level flag of the burn flag another burn flag; this makes it so that the combo could be repeatedly burned (great with combo cycling)
3) place flag 16 on the screen where you want a secret to be
17. place flag 17 on the screen where you want the "second tier" secret to appear.
4) define flags 16 & 17 and make the level 2 flag of flag 17, flag 18. This make it so that when you first hit the switch/weapon flag, the tier 1 flags (flag 16 & 17) appear. When you activate the weapon flag a second time, tier two flags are shown and thus secret flag 17 will actually be changed into secret flag 18.
5) I suggest setting the secret flag of 17 to the same combo that is on the screen so that when it is activated (when the tier 1 combos are activated), this combo appears to be unchanged until the tier 2 combos are activated.
-this new system means you could reactivate secrets/activate a weaon flag as many times as you want
-also, secrets must be activated in a specific chronological order so that you first have tear one secrets and then those secrets put other secret flags on the screen that must be activated by a second trigger
-you cannot have like several torches with burn flags on them activate seperately in any given order...you can however make a torch that once lighted makes another torch with a burn flag and then that torch when burned activates a third torch and so on until the last lighted torch activates the final special secrets
-if you want a secret on a second tier, you must make the secret flag "originate" from another secret flag (like flag 17 is tier 2 so you make the level 2 flag of flag 16, flag 17) and then you must put the first flag on the screen and then have that flag change. In other words, the secret flags on other tiers besides 1 do not actually go on the screen!

--in all honesty, this system is great; however, be aware that it takes experimentation, creativity, & patience. also, keep in mind that i am trying my best to explain how to use this to your advantage and make cool secret sequences with it but it is a very hard concept to explain & fully understand...you need more concrete examples and screen shots,which i cant do so hopefully somebody else whom grasps this concept can provide a better explanation/examples that i can...well..i hope this still helps a little bit anyway...good luck!

02-20-2003, 11:29 PM
I made shutters just like in LA and oos, but they can't be used with enemies tht trigger the secret. I have yet to try blocks and such.

02-21-2003, 10:15 AM
And to think, the best I could do was a re-lightable torch. :sweat: Well, at least that works...

Perhaps If we had some screenshots? :shrug:

02-21-2003, 02:12 PM
Screen shots could help im kinda lost on this a bit, I understand some, but i would like to see what it would look like though as well..

02-21-2003, 02:33 PM
Yeah. Honestly, this is slightly beyond my grasp... Lots of trial and error, but no real... "reason" behind it all.

My torches phase in and out for no good reason. Everything is out of what! Screenshots won't even do this justice...

02-21-2003, 04:14 PM
alright...you want screenshots?..first of all, how do you take screen shots when in the "secret combos" dialogue box so that i could actually show which secret combos & level 2 flags to set?..also, who would be willing to "host" these picture on their website & how do i do it?

02-22-2003, 10:27 AM
Print Screen! :D Use a Windows version of ZQuest, no matter how instable it is, because you obviously aren't making any progress in your quest, so hit the print screen key, then alt-tab out, and go into paint, and copy the image there. Then write a sort of tutorial as to what the pictures represent, then zip 'em up, and create a Geocities or tripod account. (Trust me, if I could do it, then you can to.) If you don't want to create one, then you can use mine. Go to the Geocities Briefcase in Zagg's sig, and type in the name "DarkSoul32567" and password "shared" to get in. The go to any folder you want, (I'll find it.) and click add file.

02-25-2003, 10:11 PM
the print screen button is the one on the keyboard that says "Print Scrn/SysRq" and its above the Insert Key, right?

02-25-2003, 10:16 PM
It is.