View Full Version : Looking for hookshot in Hidden Duality

02-19-2003, 05:09 PM
Make sure you have two keys, one from floor 2 and one from floor 1 before attempting the trek. Then head left from the room after the entrance until you hit your first staircase going down to floor one. Head south from this room, and then take the upper doorway left. Then follow the next series of rooms, unlocking two doors in the process, all the way to the hookshot. You really can't get lost.

I found that on a nother string. So I tried it. I killed the 4 headed thing (It looks like a plant) and went left then up. Now I am at a dead end at the top left. Any idea on what I am doing wrong? Thanks.

02-19-2003, 08:00 PM
Move one of the gravestones after you defeat all hte enemies.

02-19-2003, 08:25 PM
I could have sworn that I moved that grave stone. Thanks. :)