View Full Version : Info on my quests...

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02-14-2003, 01:05 AM
I've been hinting about some quests in production by me. Yes, plural. Well, here's the plot behind them.


Link was protecting the Triforce from Ganondorf, again...

Link bravely fought Ganondorf over a bottomless pit. "Just give it up!" he said. Ganondorf shot back "Ha! After I came this far? Never!" Ganondorf then punched Link, knocking him over and causing him to cling to the edge of the pit.

Ganondorf walked over to Link and pointed his sword at Link. "I've been waiting a long time for this day...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is the day I take over Hyrule!" He got ready to slash when suddenly, an explosion and flash of light appeared. Link climbed up to see what was going on, and Ganondorf ignored him. A shadowy figure approached.

"How dare you interrupt me at my finest hour?!!" Ganondorf screamed.

"You don't know who you're messing with, kiddo..." said the figure.

"Bastard! You don't even want to show your face! I'M a real bad guy!" Ganondorf cursed. He then taunted the figure.

"I have to agree with him, even though he is my enemy." Link stated.

The figure was not happy about this. "HOW DARE YOU MOCK ME?!!??!!!!!!!" he literally roared. "I WILL SEND BOTH OF YOU FOOLS INTO THE WORLD OF NO RETURN FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

With a quick flick of a finger, the figure made a black hole appear. It sucked both Link and Ganondorf in, both of them cussing while they were devoured by the darkness as the portal vanished...

"NOW I WILL TAKE OVER THIS WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!" the mysterious figure laughed...never mind what he did. But what happened to Link and Ganondorf?

As Link was warped through layers and layers of darkness, he thought it was all over. The people of Hyrule were doomed. "Even Ganondorf didn't deserve this" he thought. Everything went dark.

He awoke in a cave. All of his equipment was destroyed by the warp. He decided to see what was going on. There was a TV in the room. At least it looked like a TV. Link turned it on and it said "You have one message. Read it?" The TV was actually a visual telephone! He read the message.

"Welcome to the Adar Caves, your new and permanent home!" It was that shadowy figure. "That other one is far away from here, in captivity in the Swoat Dungeon . But you need not worry about him: your Continents are far away from each other! GAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Oh, and by the way, don't try to escape, everyone who tried has died..."

Another voice said "But sire, one mortal did!" A green darknut could be seen in the background. "His name was Mob, remember? That crazy Moblin who's an expert bandit! He even got to another Continent!"

"I've had just about enough of you, Dredge!" snapped the figure. "Guards, take him to the prison in Gygar Castle on the Gygar Continent! He'll make a great slave there...ha ha...GAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" Dredge was taken away by some other darknuts. "For such a high ranked soldier, I'm surprised I let him become the Defender Class..." muttered the figure. "By the way, there's a town nearby. You can live your horrible life there..."

The transmission was over and Link was shocked. The visual telephone said "New message!" Link read it.

"Hiya, I understand you're the new guy?" A Wizzrobe-like figure in a turquiose cloak spoke. "My name is Qupfaffylagatombatsorkyona, but everyone calls me Qupona. I can't help but notice you are a strong fighter, you're the hero of Hyrule! Well, I just contacted that bandit Mob, and that weirdo Ganondorf. Each of us is on a different continent. I'm on the Gygar Continent, you're on the Njar Continent, that Ganondorf fellow is on the Klinkin Continent and Mob is hiding on the Zigata Continent. I heard from Mob that there is a power we can use to get off this island. We need the Xakor to the spell though. There are 8 Xakor on each main Continent. Only problem is that there are five main Continents, and there are only four of us. If you have any ideas, just call me back, okay?"

Link decided to call Qupona back. There were a lot of things he wanted to ask. It was easy to call him back. This time, however, it was a telephone-typed chat, with a visual on the screen.

"You have an idea?" Qupona asked.

"Yeah." Link replied. "Apparently, Dredge, one of that weird shadow-guy's high ranked royal servents, at the Defender Class, got sent to the Gygar continent. Is that a main one?

"Oh my god!" Qupona was shocked. "Dredge was...I mean is one of the best fighters that there is! He may lack power, but him amazing defense makes up for it! And not only that, the Gygar continent IS a main continent! Oh yeah, you hit the jackpot! I'll contact him now, see ya later!"

Link sat there in the Adar cave, waiting for a reply.

Meanwhile, at Mount Vagatus, Qupona sent Dredge a message.

"Hey Dredge!" Qupona said. "Be quiet, or the guards will hear us."

"I hear you sir Qupona" Dredge confirmed.

Qupona explained the situation to Dredge. "You in?" asked Qupona.

"I will gladly accept your invitation." Dredge replied.

"Okay, now we're gonna have a meeting, but there are a few things you'll need to tweek with your transmitter...here's what you got to do." Not only was Qupona a great mage, but also an excellent technician.

At about that time, Link got a message from Mob.

"Hey Link, what's up?" Mob spoke. He was a cool looking Moblin with an attutide that's, since there are no better words to describe it, leet. He had peach-colored skin with a blue bandana and blue pants. He also had blue armbands and some cool shoes. "I've escaped from Adar Caves once, and I'll tell you, it isn't going to be easy! Since I escaped, they've upped the security. Don't fall in the pits! They lead to doom as I heard! And all other escape routes are blocked! But one thing's for sure: there's a way out of any hellhole!"

"What about a weapon? Mine's broken!" Link asked.

"A friend of mine owns a shop in Cave Town. Just leave your room, turn left at the intersection and turn right at the next. Tell him you're a friend of mine and he'll make you one!" Mob explained. "But don't go yet, we're having a meeting soon. Qupona told me to tell you this." Mob pulled out a sheet of paper and explained. Qupona's a great mechanic! What's even more surprising is that Qupona's a girl!

Link fainted after he heard that. Mob looked at him and said "I've never seen this kind of state of shock before. He must've been living in a metal box filled with sexists for that to happen."

The tweeks the five made on their transmitters split the screen on their communicators into four sections, allowing for multi-chat.

"We're all here!" Qupona confirmed. "On with the meeting! Like I said before, our objective is to escape from our prisons and collect the 40 Xakor! We'll meet at the Gipicus Shrine."

"Question: HOW THE HELL DO I GET OUT OF HERE?!!" Ganondorf yelled.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, bud, calm down!" Mob said. "I'm a master of escape!"

"I'm in Swoat Dungeon! It seems to have maximum security to prevent all means of escape!" Ganondorf almost whined.

"Hehe, I've been there before. "Turns out the 'Guards' are wimps. Just stay alert, I heard there's a new prototype defense system. I don't know its weakness, but I heard it's something nobody would think of."

"I hope you're not forgetting about me sir Mob!" Dredge said.

"Oh, Gygar Prison? Try to befriend the guards. Tell them that they're being used. The darknut guards there are very gullible, and might even help you. Don't expect mercy from the others though, especially their boss." Mob told Dredge.

"And me?" asked Qupona.

"I dunno about you, but priority one is to get your wand back." Mob explained. "I already told Link how to escape from Adar Caves."

"All right then! Let's kick some ass!" Ganondorf left the picture. His picture on the screen became all black.

"Don't screw up, the people of this island are depending on us!" Qupona's picture went blank. She had turned off her transmitter.

"I can't believe I once served the lord! Now I'm fighting against his majesty!" Dredge's picture went black.

"Good luck everyone!" Link said as his picture went black.

Mob turned off his transmitter. "We'll show those bastards some rebel power!" he thought. "Okay, time to come out of hiding and slaughter these morons!" He grabbed his trusty dagger and crept out of the hollow tree in which he hid in.


It's a 5-part quest, basically. Each with a different character (yes, you do get to play as Ganondorf). They will all have their strengths and weaknesses. And as for Hyrule, Zelda, the Triforce, and all that crap...Hyrule's warped beyond regconization and belief, Zelda's dead, and the Triforce does appear as a manditory boss early on in Link's quest (before you reach the overworld). So that means you MUST play this game on "Classic!" The Zelda part is gone 'cause she's dead!

Plus, they won't be traditional ZC gameplay. They will actually have plots that develop as you play. None of this "Search for the next dungeon, get the items, and never come back" shit! You'll actually have a reason to go the dungeons, most of which aren't dungeons at all, and get Xakor when you least expect it.

For example, after finishing the first "Dungeon" in Link's quest (you don't get any Xakor, only the Ancient Goriya Boomerang, the Wooden Boomerang's replacement, at the end and a nice run for your life), the Elder of Cave Town goes berserk for some strange reason and runs to the top of the Cavern Tower to wreck havoc, and guess who's gotta stop him? That's right: You do. And you don't get anything good out of it. All I can tell you for now...

02-14-2003, 02:02 AM
Ok, Good story line. Now, Please, get busy on the quests. I'm Waiting.....

They sound like a lot of fun. I will be watching for them. (S)