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View Full Version : I'm actually using Mozilla...

02-13-2003, 04:19 PM
I downloaded Mozilla, and I'm using it right now. It's pretty much good, I like how it seems to load pages faster. There's just a few little details that bother me with it, but not enough to make me uninstall it.

1) The text boxes are too frickin small. The box I'm typing in right now is probably about 50 characters long, and I prefer an 80-character or more box.

2) The text cursor acts a bit weird; instead of moving away from the letters I type, it moves just to the edge so it is highlighting the last character a little bit.

3) The Shattered Earth theme is a bit messed up in Mozilla. However, allow me to switch paragraphs to explain why I'm not blaming it on Mozilla.

There is no browser that 100% supports the W3C HTML standard. You can say all you want about "IE doesn't support the standard and it causes bad coding habits", but the fact remains that each major browser has a set of CSS tags that it either refuses to implement or implements incorrectly. Yes, even Opera has some functionality wrong, I'll look at my book this weekend and I can tell you exactly which ones. The problem is that if you code 100% correct HTML, each browser will still display the page a different way. It's not the page author's fault, it's the IE, Netscape, Opera, and Mozilla dev teams' fault for ignoring a standard. So reason 3 is an annoying, but moot detail.

I kind of like Mozilla. If only the text boxes were wider.

02-13-2003, 05:20 PM
I tried Mozilla, and I rather liked it. However, I typically surf the internet with the 4th and 5th side buttons on my mouse, and I couldn't get Mozilla to support that. So I uninstalled it.

02-13-2003, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by AtmaWeapon
The problem is that if you code 100% correct HTML, each browser will still display the page a different way. It's not the page author's fault, it's the IE, Netscape, Opera, and Mozilla dev teams' fault for ignoring a standard. So reason 3 is an annoying, but moot detail.

I kind of like Mozilla. If only the text boxes were wider.

Actually...if you code HTML 100% correct, it will look the same in each browser. But, alas, that rarely happens.

Check out the preferences in Mozilla, esp the tabbed browsing stuff. I for one cannot live without tabs. And unchecking the first 4 boxes under Advanced->Scripts really helps (blocks pop-ups, the resizing of windows, disaperance of status bar, stuff that is annoying when web apges do it)

Your mouse has 4-5 buttons on it Belderan? Damn. What do you use them for? I read something online that says 5 button mouse support was added in Mozilla 1.3a. But, you can try out mouse gestures, which people keep saying are really cool (they were in Opera first, then Mozilla :D)

02-13-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by vegeta1215

Your mouse has 4-5 buttons on it Belderan? Damn. What do you use them for?

I use them for raping people at Counter Strike and surfing the internet.:)

02-13-2003, 08:01 PM
Yes, having that many buttons almost demands they create a "rape" function you can specifically map to those buttons.

I want the Logitech MX500. I think it has like 8 buttons on it.

How do you get Mozilla to display all new windows as tabs?

02-13-2003, 08:05 PM

I use Phoenix, which is essentially Mozilla Light, and I have been using it as my primary browser ever since. I even IERadicated the machine, and not only do I not have IE on here anymore, it's a lot more stable.

02-13-2003, 09:24 PM
I got Opera once at school, and it seemed faster than goddamned IE. But I'm lazy and haven't gotten anything better at home than IE.

02-13-2003, 10:01 PM
I disabled the 4 & 5 buttons on my mouse, because I'd keep accidntaly hitting them when I was working in ZC and it would screw things up.

I've also been using Mozilla for a while. Yes, the things Atmaweapon mentioned are a little annoying, but I've gotten used to them. One other problem I've run into is secure sites. They tell me my browser doesn't have the right encryption, and they only offer help for IE and Netscape browsers. Probaly not a problem for most computer savy users, but for me it's just an anoyance trying to find all the plug-ins that are needed. I usualy end up switching to IE for that stuff.

J.J. Maxx
02-14-2003, 12:19 AM
I only use Opera. The only problem is that the SE theme and the SE forum is completely unreadable... :(

02-14-2003, 02:31 AM
Originally posted by Xyvol
One other problem I've run into is secure sites. They tell me my browser doesn't have the right encryption, and they only offer help for IE and Netscape browsers. Probaly not a problem for most computer savy users, but for me it's just an anoyance trying to find all the plug-ins that are needed. I usualy end up switching to IE for that stuff.

You should contact the site which is giving you problems then. Mozilla and Netscape are really compatible (after all, Mozilla was built from Netscape). And all the SSL stuff is supported really well in Mozilla.

Originally posted by J.J. Maxx
I only use Opera. The only problem is that the SE theme and the SE forum is completely unreadable... :(

I know. Same for me too. Warlord and SB already know how it looks in Opera cause I let them know, and I think they'll look into it. Wouldn't hurt if they knew we had more Opera users around here though ;)

Originally posted by AtmaWeapon
How do you get Mozilla to display all new windows as tabs?

There's a section in the Preferences about tabs. You can set it so all links open in new tabs, and a bunch of other stuff. Generally to create a new blank tab, you hit CTRL+t. Tabs are awesome :D

02-14-2003, 09:26 AM
Umm... I don't want to have to push a button. And the only options I have for tabs is whether I want to CTRL-click or use the middle mouse button to spawn the link in a new window. That's retarded.