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View Full Version : 3rd Subscreen Row

02-12-2003, 10:23 PM
Are there any plans for what to put there on the 3rd subscreen type? If not, I would suggest it be taken out - it would seem silly to have a release version with an entire row for items that don't even exist.

02-12-2003, 10:46 PM
Din's fire is already in it and working, so taking that third subscreen out would make Din's Fire unselectable, I think.

02-12-2003, 11:13 PM
yes, that is true, Nick.. maybe there will be implementation of the other 2 before 2.0 is released, therefore FCF could just remove the 4th row, and keep the 5th vertical column.

no clue.. btw, you CANNOT select Din's Fire w/o the Revision 2 subscreen.

02-13-2003, 03:32 AM
Acutally, the 3 magic spells are not on the 4th row (i know, I said 3rd before) - they are on the 5th column on the first 3 rows. What I'm saying is the 3rd revision of the subscreen could add just that 5th column. Or, maybe the 5th column could be taken out, and the spells could fill the first 3 positions of the 4th row, leaving space for 1 more new item. My point is I doubt there is any way all those spaces are going to be filled before the next full release version. (Mind you I am not suggesting that the new '3rd revision' subscreen be taken out, just modified a bit)

04-26-2003, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by Cloral
Are there any plans for what to put there on the 3rd subscreen type? If not, I would suggest it be taken out - it would seem silly to have a release version with an entire row for items that don't even exist.

Moving to Beta Suggestions.

04-27-2003, 09:37 AM
well...here's some possible items that could go there:
1. a B item sword-like fairies sword in Majora's Mask
2. some sort of mask-like the mask of truth
3. bombchus
4. a second bait item
5. electric rod
If we had a 4th row (with the 5 columns) then here's five lagit items that could go there! thats perfect!

05-16-2003, 09:02 PM
Yeah... I wouldn't mind some of those m'self. Of course, there are some I'd rather have more... Maybe making some of those actual bottles... (instead of potions that have bottle sprites). I dunno.

I really don't mind the spaces, though... I'd much rather have things like Triforce sprites being different, and having a Dungeon D-Map type that can use Permanent Triggers...