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View Full Version : Quick "I'm Sorta Back" Post

02-11-2003, 01:11 PM
Hi guys. Some of you have probably been wondering where the hell I've been, but here I am for now. :)

You may have noticed I've taken an unofficial break from AGN; I have recently posted a few posts in the ZC forums, but have generally not visited the remainder of the forums lately (to be truthful, this is my first click into GD since November). I'm still not happy with the reasoning offered for that whole controversy (and which led to my absence), but it has passed and nothing can be done about it, so I am not concerned with it. I have, on the other hand, been active at other forums; that would be part of the reason I haven't been here lately. I won't be visiting here nearly as often as I used to (which seems to have led to my dismissal from the beta-testing team...I had thought betas would be posted at both AGN and ZCN, as I thought previously suggested by DN; guess I was wrong...), but figured I'd pop in and post explaining my absence.

Now...I'm not here to provoke war, and anyone who has anything less than nice words to say (I won't name a few people who come to mind): please don't say anything. While I won't be visiting very often, I will be popping into here occasionally; I might even regularly post here in GD again at some point, though not yet (regularly, that is). On a side note, I saw myself insulted in the ZC forums by some I thought had respected me; if you have a beef with me, please take it out with me personally rather than talking behind my back. It's better for both of us that way.

As for my stuff:

I'm finally getting somewhere on the QDB, and it's currently in full production (DC's forum-based version, at ZCN, is different than what I'm working on, and I think both will remain running simultaneously once mine finally goes up).

My group quest, after having a couple of screens fixed, was sent to me via Cloral (who had thankfully retained the most recent known workable copy, with eight levels contained); it's back in business, and I think it's currently with Krath. (who is apparently fixing or redoing Lv.7); I plan to do some testing on it during my Spring Break in early March, but will pass it to the level creators until that point.

The quest contest: I'm slightly behind in my plans, which was to post this past weekend with the details. I did not get enough time to go through the entire details, or to discuss relevant parts with certain individuals. I will attempt to have those up this coming weekend; know that when I post them THIS time, though, it's officially set in motion for good.I'll discuss these three items in the ZC forums at future times.

And my last note, for those trying to send me PMs over the last two or three months; I've cleared 1/5 of my box, and have more to clear later. You can now contact me again with whatever you meant to say at those times (I have some names in ZC mail who were trying to contact me), and I will visit at least for those if nothing else on a particular day. Otherwise, you'll find me at ZCN and GU, as well as their respective chats. I will NOT be entering #AGN again in the near future unless someone gives me a good reason to; there are maniacs running that chat, and I see no reason to set foot in there if I'm only going to be, say, kicked for fun. Kind of an immature reason, if you ask me, when the staff should be setting an example.

NEway, I'm out for now.


02-11-2003, 01:13 PM
You were away?

I never noticed...

Well, Welcome Bawk!

02-11-2003, 01:27 PM
Why did I always think your name was Flyerstorm, with an L? :laughing:

Thankies, I guess. :)


02-11-2003, 02:58 PM
cool! welcom back, cyclone! you were always one of my favorite mods.. sigh, oh well, those days are long past I suppose. well, hopefully you will keep posting here again, it would give me a reason to post more also :P

02-11-2003, 04:59 PM
TPT, I'm still both a mod. and an admin. Thing is, neither role is here. Maybe someday, but I am not itching to jump back into the fray unless I am really needed, which is less than likely given the attitudes of some staff towards me. To be a moderator here for 15 months then be demoted because I'm perceived as a threat is rather childish, I think.

Besides, the only real advantage to being a regular mod. is...well, anyone can jump in anytime and fill that blank. :)


02-11-2003, 05:30 PM
Some things can't be explained, and possibly never will.

02-11-2003, 05:32 PM
hows that LBHD remake coming ... JK lol