View Full Version : LInk's birthday quest

02-10-2003, 10:11 AM
:cry: can someone tell me where I can get the white sword? I'm playing Link's Birthday Quest. I'm stuck in a room with a one head gleelock I can not kill it with the wooden sword.:confuse2:

Thank Ialready got the white sword and kill the one head gleelock

carrot red
02-10-2003, 10:53 AM
elib, you don't have to open a new thread for every question you have related to the same quest, just don't double post (meaning wait for somebody to answer you or push the edit button on the right of your screen).
I haven't played LB quest but how could you not kill a one headed Gleeok on a wooden sword? Don't face it head on, but dance around it left and right evading his fire and hitting after that. With a few tries, you'll get what I mean. Good luck.

02-10-2003, 12:17 PM
You practically have to beat a 2 headed gleeok in the 2nd quest, level 2 w/ a wooden sword (as long as you don't just find a second heart) It isn't that hard. Everybody's come across it sometime.

Here's a little trick
make a one room quest w/ that scenario - a 2 headed gleeok and a wooden sword. You will be so good at it when you are done, you might just want to move on up to a 3 headed one ;)