View Full Version : Errr...

02-08-2003, 11:37 AM
Combo cycling is really getting to me. I keep on trying but it won't work. Could somebody give me a step to stp explenation

02-08-2003, 01:18 PM
Well..i could give ya some general tips/info on combo cycling but perhaps you should be more specific as to what your problem is...does it not seem to work at all?..is it going to fast? is it glitchy? for now, all i can over is this:

-You cycle them by right clicking the combo, and then clicking on the black tile underneath "Next"
-Combos cycle after the animation sequence is completed
-It doesn't work if the speed of animation is more than 10 (a bug)
-Sometimes it doesn't work if you cycle like a lot of combos together; if you have combo A cycle to B, B to C, C to D, D to E, etc...then sometimes it will not work if you have like 10 or so together
-Combo cycling is not functional on layers
-It starts as soon as you enter a room; in dungeons, i think it starts after Link reaches beyond the invisible border
-Not sure under combos cycle...i'll try it later
-If you want Combo A to cycle to Combo B and then back, you must have combos A "Next" combo be Combo B and then combo B's Next Combo must be Combo A, in other words, combo cycling doesn't really loop
-Combo cycling is not displayed in Zquest, so you won't actually see it until you play your quest

02-08-2003, 03:11 PM
Oh it's the over 10 seconds bug. Thnx

02-08-2003, 03:27 PM
I have some that have a speed of 50 and they work fine in my quest.

02-08-2003, 03:45 PM
what version are ya using vel?...cause i used combos with a speed of like 11 and it doesn't work & then when all i do is change to speed to like 9 or 10 and then it works...i have version beta 182

02-08-2003, 05:19 PM
I tried it in beta 182, and it works fine for me. I also just went and changed the speed from 50 to 11 to see if it would still work, and it still worked for me. I think there might be a bug if the combo only has 1 frame, all the combos I used had 2 frames each (the bug might have been fixed though).

02-08-2003, 05:24 PM
hmm..very odd..i guess i'll have to make copies of the same tile next to each other and then use 2 frames...i gotta try it...this would be really helpful...hopefully combo cycling will work in all conditions for everyone so that there's no mistake about it and so it could be used everywhere!