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View Full Version : Hypothetical Zelda Daydreams

J.J. Maxx
02-07-2003, 09:10 PM
I've been daydreaming all day about how I would go about creating the LoZ overworld as a 3-D myst-like world... And guess what? In my head this is the coolest world ever. With large winding rivers and trees and mountains.... It really got me worked up and frustrated because there's no way in a million years I would *ever* be able to put my thoughts into something tangible.

It's kind of hard to explain how everything looks but the expanse of the world would be alot bigger than the original while still retaining the nature of the terrain. For example, Level one would be a medium sized island with a dense waterlogged forest filled with mist. There would be a clearing in the middle of the forest with a couple rays of sun poking through the canopy to light up a huge gnarled tree in the middle with a large hole in the trunk. (This is the kind of stuff that gets me through the day.)

Another screen would be the one near the beginning that has the bridge on it and the oktoroks and is just below the screen where the dock is to level 4.

I imagine the river is recessed down in a ravine and the bridge is an old rickety rope bridge. The sides of the ravine slope down rockily to a slighty rocky beach at the bottom where the river is. The cool thing too is that if you stay on the near side of the bridge and go north toward level 4 you will come to a cliff edge with a winding rock path down to the shore where there's a stone dock. Off in the distant you can make out an island.

As for Link in this world, he walks and runs around and is realistically proportioned. He carries a leather satchel to hold all his items and has a sword sheathed by his side. When he uses items he reaches into his satchel and pulls it out. Cool, huh. He lights the bombs and sets them next to a rock cropping and blows a fairly decent size chunk out of the rock revealing a small cave. :thumbsup:

Anyways I went through alot of this at work and took a ton of the overworld and slowly converted it into vast landscapes in my head. I don't really know why I posted this but I thought it was really cool. :thumbsup:

02-07-2003, 09:34 PM
Yeah, that is cool. I've had daydreams sort of like that before. So many times I come up with wonderful ideas for my stories I write, but I never can put them into words. Makes a nice visual in my mind, though.

02-07-2003, 10:24 PM
Where do you think I get my ideas for quests? Daydreams during school.

Maverik X
02-07-2003, 11:16 PM
I have the plot and character designs to an entire anime series in my head, the result of a comic book class that went on for three terms and several years of roll playing on the internet. Now, if I could draw like a professional and had the motivation to write a script, I'd be somewhere......

02-07-2003, 11:24 PM
So basically you want the opposite of Celda? Me too.:(

02-08-2003, 03:50 AM
/me gives JJ some sleeping pills.

Pfft. Keep dreaming.


02-08-2003, 09:01 AM
get some 3D game making thingy, use that :p

02-08-2003, 09:33 AM
JJ, you may be interested in this then.
It is simply the most awesome 3D landscape designer in existance. I'm sure you could download of Kazaa or something like that...